Stories of 31 States: Virtual Roadtrip

During the month of October 2016 I will be taking a break from my regular blogging topics to participate in the Write 31 Days Challenge.

31 Days is an online writing challenge… where bloggers pick one topic and write a post on that topic every day in October.

For my topic I’ve decided to take you on a virtual road trip. I have been in 39 or so states during my life, so I thought it would be fun to share a story for 31 of them this month. I had Lyle map out an actual road trip touching each of the states on my list.

I’ll be starting in Louisiana, where I was born… and ending up in Idaho, where I currently live. I’ll be sharing memories, pictures, journal entries, letters, and maybe even a recipe here and there. I hope you’ll come along!


  1. Louisiana
  2. Texas
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Arkansas
  5. Alabama
  6. Florida
  7. Georgia
  8. Tennessee
  9. Kentucky
  10. Ohio
  11. Pennsylvania
  12. New York
  13. Michigan
  14. Indiana
  15. Missouri
  16. Kansas
  17. Nebraska
  18. Minnesota
  19. North Dakota
  20. South Dakota
  21. Colorado
  22. Wyoming
  23. Utah
  24. Arizona
  25. Nevada
  26. California
  27. Oregon
  28. Washington
  29. Alaska
  30. Montana
  31. Idaho
