Vintage Book Review: Beauty for Ashes
Today’s book review is for a vintage book in my collection: Beauty for Ashes by Grace Livingston Hill. I read it in January as part of the Read Your Bookshelf challenge hosted by Chantel Reads All Day with the prompt “beauty.” Disclosure: This post includes Amazon affiliate links. The Kindle version of this book is currently only .99. My Review…
Book Review: Whispers of Fortune
Today, I’m sharing a book review of Whispers of Fortune, a western Christian historical romance by Mary Connealy, published by Bethany House.
January Reading Recap
It's been a fun month for reading with my New Year challenges in mind. So far, I'm doing pretty well with "assigned" reading, but I'm also managing to fit in some mood reading, which I deliberately left room for.
Book Review: The Resurrection Project
Today, I’m participating in a book tour for The Resurrection Project, a futuristic medical thriller novel by Tanya Sparks Belvin.
Reading Goals for 2025
Happy New Year! This is the post in which I lay out all my carefully planned literary ambitions for the upcoming year since I want to be more intentional in my reading.
Christmas Picture Book Roundup
Did you know I’m a storyteller? In all fairness, you might say I’m a story reader. My “storytelling” is usually a hybrid of reading and telling. But I’m a good reader (if I do say so, who shouldn’t). In any case, for the past few years, I’ve been sharing a story with the children at church on Sunday mornings. And…
Christmas Reading Challenge and Freebies
This December, I've decided to take on the Tinsel and Tales Readathon. Also, as is my tradition during December, I want to share some interesting-looking titles that are currently FREE to download on Kindle.
Review: The Sign of the Calico Quartz
Today, I’m sharing an audiobook review for The Sign of the Calico Quartz, a cozy mystery novel by Jan Drexler. It is Book 1 of The Sweetbrier Inn Mysteries series.
Review: Animal Farm graphic novel
Having noticed potential Orwellian scenarios percolating in recent months and years, I was interested in revisiting Animal Farm when I saw this graphic novel adaptation.