Big Adventure: Day 19
Hello, September! Today we braved downtown Chicago to find the point where Historic Route 66 starts and then wove our way through the city and several small towns, doing our best to stay on the old highway.
Big Adventure: Day 18
This was Lyle's favorite day of the trip so far. He has been looking forward to going to the RV Hall of Fame Museum in Elkhart, Indiana for a long time.
Big Adventure: Days 16 & 17
Sunday was a quiet day of worship and rest. Isn't the way it ought to be? Today we spent some time in Amish country.
Big Adventure: Day 15
We wended our way along Lake Michigan visiting SEVENTEEN Little Free Libraries in small towns along the way. I'm pretty sure that's my record for one day.
Big Adventure: Day 14
Our route today took us along the edge of Lake Michigan... but it was pouring down rain, cool, and windy, so we didn't enjoy the scenery as much as we might have otherwise.
Big Adventure: Day 12
Exploring the small towns and big woods along the highway across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan...
Big Adventure: Day 11
Today we took in the prairies and forests of northern Minnesota with some startling "giants" along the way.
Big Adventure: Day 10
Today we were mostly in North Dakota, and while the terrain is much like eastern Montana, it was a completely different experience.