
Prairie Grove Battlefield

There are two Civil War battlefields in our area. For reasons I don’t know, one of them (Prairie Grove) is a state park, and the other (Pea Ridge) is a national military park.

On Sunday afternoon, we visited Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park with some friends. I told them about the state park passbook program, and Diana was interested in starting to collect the stamps.

We were fascinated to learn more about the Battle of Prairie Grove. It’s hard to imagine that it happened so close to our home.

It happened more than 160 years ago on December 7, 1862, so of course, there’s not much left to indicate that a battle ever occurred here.

Sadly, the battle was pretty much a draw. “Union forces reported suffering 1,251 casualties (including 175 dead); Confederate forces reported 1,317 casualties (between 164 and 204 dead).”

It was a sobering visit but a beautiful spring day for a drive.

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