State of the Blog
Every now and then someone in real life will tell me that they love my blog. I’m usually a little surprised because often I didn’t even know they knew about it or read it.
I have my blog set to automatically share my posts on my Facebook page and I know a lot of my readers follow it that way. If you’re one of those, did you know that Facebook is not very reliable about showing you every post? Maybe you’re okay with that. If so, that’s fine. I’m not offended. But maybe you would like to be notified every time I post? If so, did you know you can subscribe by email? There’s a “Subscribe to My Blog” form in the center column on my home page (or the left side bar on my blog page). Just put in your email address and click the “Subscribe” button to receive an email notification whenever I share a new post. No spam involved!
Just for fun I thought it would be interesting to look at my blog stats for the past year and see which were my top posts. These are the posts that had the most views throughout the year. I’d like to say that they were my most popular, but I’m not sure that’s true. There are so many variables when it comes to considering blog stats that it’s hard to draw firm conclusions. The post that got the most comments this year is #8 on this list (The Man Behind the Blog) and my mini-series about our vintage trailer makeover generated some good discussion as well. I have to say #1 surprised me.
For this coming year I want to continue to write about our adventures and reading/writing, with occasional guest posts, product reviews, and nostalgia pieces. What would you say your favorite topic is?
P.S. I know you are busy, so I’d just like to say: Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. I am grateful. And if you take the extra time to leave comments me for me, THANK YOU ever so much more! I love comments! They encourage me to keep writing.
Top 10 Posts for 2016

That is an interesting list of your top 10.
What a beautiful photo! So sad that we haven’t had snow this year.
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day
I like all those topics! Sometimes life gets in the way and I fall behind but then I try to catch up! I love subscribing by email so I don’t miss a post, even if I’m “late” reading it!