The Man Behind the Blog
A silly interview with my sweet husband whose birthday happens to be today.
“Hello. I’m Karla, your resident blogger. I would like to interview you for an article I’m working on this week. Would that be okay?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“No. No, you don’t. And just so you know, I reserve the right to include leading questions in the interview process. Any objections to that?”
“First of all, are you familiar with RoadstoEverywhere.com?”
“Yes. I’m married to it.” *laughs*
“I understand you have a birthday this week.”
*laughs* “We’re not talkin’ about that.”
“What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a printer.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I print things. On substrates.” *laughs*
“Oh, is there a big call for that kind of thing?”
“Not so much any more.”
“How long have you been in that business?”
“Well… let me think now… I started full-time in the summer of 1983. So that’s 33 years. That was after I grew up in it.”
“Did you always want to be a printer?”
{waiting for him to elaborate}
“Isn’t that a yes or no question?”
“What did you want to be?”
“A mechanic.”
“Why did you become a printer instead of a mechanic?”
“Because I was too lazy to go to school.”
“What would you call it? Lazy and poor.”
“This is the man who works 50+ hours a week printing because he was too lazy to go to school?”
“Do you wish you were a mechanic now?”
“Sometimes. Mainly because the mechanic trade is not going anywhere. Kinda hard to have your car repaired on the internet.”
“What do you like to do for fun?”
“Drive. Watch racing.”
“Where do you like to drive?”
“Doesn’t matter. In the mountains, I suppose.”
“Who do you like to go with?”
“My wife. And anybody else who’s willing to ride.”
“Tell me more about your wife. Is she a lovely lady?”
*laughs* “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
“Why do you like to go on drives with her?”
“Because she’s willing to ride and not want to drive.”
“That’s a dumb answer!”
*laughs* “Thank you. You’re just making these questions up as you go, aren’t you?”
“How will you be celebrating your birthday this year?”
“We get to go to the Oregon coast again. How long is this thing?”
“This is actually all the questions I had for you. Thank you for your participation.”
He’s such a good sport! I do love that man!

Love this! And I think he is a mechanic as well.
Karla Ezell Cook
I think so, too. He’s a self-proclaimed “gear head” and “grease monkey”!
I think it is great he is also a mechanic. Happy birthday Lyle!
Karla Ezell Cook
Yes, it has definitely come in handy over the years!
Smiling as I imagine this interview/conversation happening. He was our personal mechanic and good friend. BTY, I need my brakes checked again!!
Karla Ezell Cook
You should come up here and have your mechanic do that for you, Jerry!
I can hear both your voices! Happy Birthday, Lyle!
Karla Ezell Cook
It was fun to “interview” him. Even though I knew the answers, of course, I wasn’t sure what he would have to say.
Funny, funny post! “We get to go to the Oregon coast again. How long is this thing?”
Karla Ezell Cook
I know, right? LOL. You’d think he’d want to elaborate on our trip this weekend. But nope. He was done.
Happy Birthday Lyle. Great interview Karla
Karla Ezell Cook
Thanks, Kelley. Maybe I’ll do more interviews in the future.
Fun interview! Happy birthday, Lyle! By the way, we’ve saved money on our vehicles twice lately by ordering the part and watching youtube videos to know what to do! 🙂 Janet
Karla Ezell Cook
That’s exactly how Lyle does it. I often find him watching car repair tutorials!
Sheila DelCharco
I really enjoyed reading this! And happy birthday to Lyle and happy traveling to you both!
Karla Ezell Cook
Thanks, Sheila! We are looking forward to our weekend getaway!
Michael Ann
Happy birthday, Karla’s husband! I hope you guys had/are having a great celebration!
Very cute post…made me smile…I could easily visualize the whole setting and conversation.