Review: Cat Crimes Game
Oh, no! A Crime has been committed! Someone has ruined my good red dress shoes! “How is that a crime?” you might ask. Good point. Ruining shoes is not against the law, that I know of. But play along with me. It’s just a game, after all. Didn’t I mention that? Well, it is. Cat Crimes I need your help…
Review: GridBlock
If you're looking for something new and different for a Christmas game, GridBlock might fit the bill.
Review: ChromaCube
Single player logic games are great for all ages. The latest one we've added to our collection is ChromaCube, "a logic puzzle game that employs attractive wooden cubes and a variety of deductive skills to solve."
Review: Turing Tumble
What in the world is a Turing Tumble? you might ask. Well, you might. Because I did. Turns out it's a logic game named after Alan Turing. According to Wikipedia he is "widely considered to be the father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence."
Review: String Art Kit
One of Lyle’s hobbies when he was a teen was string art. This was, of course, back in the late ’70s/early ’80s. It’s not a craft that I ever did, but I can see that it would be interesting. Lyle made a number of pieces and brought several with him when we got married. More recently his mother gave me…
Review: Haba Palette of Pegs
Apparently I’m old enough to be a grandma. Even though many friends my age have grandchildren that really hadn’t occurred to me until our little friend, Ella, age 2-and-a-half, started referring to me as Nonna this past weekend. (That’s what she calls her mommy’s mother.) We thought that was hilarious… and adorable. Does that make me an honorary grandma? Lyle…
Review: Waboba Outdoor Play Kit
With all the camping we’ve got going on this summer I was excited for the opportunity review the Waboba Get Out and Play 3-in-1 Outdoor Active Play Kit. Timberdoodle sent it to me in exchange for my honest review. Actually, it has nothing to do with camping. Except. It’s just the very kind of thing I like to take along…
Review: Economics for Everybody
When Laura was a senior in high school I wanted her to take an economics course. Math is not her strong suit, so she didn’t do the math portion of a typical economics course. However, we did read several books on the subject together, so she would have a basic understanding of how economics works. During Rebecca’s senior year we…
Review: Bloxels
Today I’ll be talking about another product Timberdoodle sent me to review as part of Rebecca’s continuing education. This one is a build-your-own video game kit called Bloxels. The kit is made up of two main components: 1) the 13×13 plastic design board with little cubes of various colors, and 2) the downloadable Bloxels game app. Bloxels is a complete game…
Review: Extraordinaires Design Studio Pro
For the past few months I’ve had some time to work on developing my graphic design skills. This is something I’ve always enjoyed and I’m finding that it comes in very handy at the print shop. I’m actually being able to do some simple projects for customers now, which I find very rewarding. One of my first projects was quite a challenge,…