Game Review: Pirates Crossfire
We enjoy having Pirates Crossfire on our game shelf as a single-player game for all ages.
Game Review: So Clover
So Clover is a cooperative word-association game for 3 to 6 players. I love word games so I was pretty sure I would like this game but I wasn't sure how well it would go over with my family.
Game Review: Quixo
Quixo is a two-person strategy game with a tic-tac-toe premise. It can also be played with four player in two teams.
Review: Lake Reflections Felting Kit
Today I'm going to review the new-to-me craft of needle felting with the Lake Reflections needle felting kit from Felted Sky. They call it painting with wool and I can see why.
Game Review: IQ Circuit
I'm a huge proponent of off-screen activities for road trips. It's hard to create family memories if everyone's focus is on their individual screens. For that reason, I'm always on the lookout for fun travel games and activity books. IQ Circuit is one such game I received for review from Timberdoodle.
Game Review: Kulami
Kulami is more of a challenge than checkers but not as complicated as chess, which hits a sweet spot for us. It only takes about 20 minutes to play...
Game Review: Braintopia Beyond
Braintopia Beyond is a very active game for 2-6 players, with all the players involved on every turn. It would make a great family gift, perfect for hours of fun during the holidays.
Game Review: Zig Zag Puzzler
Like other Smart Games, Zig Zag Puzzler is a single-player thinking game. This one focuses on spatial insight, problem solving, and planning.
Mixed-by-Me Thinking Putty
The Mixed-by-Me Thinking Putty kit would make a fun Christmas gift for the family as each one could mix their own tin as a group activity during the holiday season.
Game Review: Walls and Warriors
The Walls and Warriors challenges are definitely suitable for adult brains as well as kids'! The recommendation is ages 8 to adult. This would be another good one for senior citizens for daily brain exercises.