Game Review: Dress Code
Today’s review is for Dress Code by Smart Games.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary game for review from Timberdoodle. All views expressed are my own.
Dress Code

Like most other Smart Games, Dress Code is a single-player puzzle game. This one focuses on concentration, planning, problem solving, spatial insight, and visual perception. It is recommended for ages 4 and up.
What’s Included
Dress Code includes a storage case that doubles as a game easel, 12 tiles, and a spiral-bound game booklet with 80 challenges and solutions at progressive difficulty levels.

Four tiles feature kids in different seasons and weather: fall rain, spring gardening, summer beach, and winter snow. The kids’ “clothes” are transparent outlines.

There are five solid color titles and three with patterns. The colored sections of the tiles are positioned differently on each tile.
How to Play

Each challenge requires a character tile and one or more background tiles. The first (easiest) challenge needs the pink tile behind the gardening girl. But, look, I have it upside down. It must be turned the other way so the little girl’s boots will be pink rather than her hat.

Farther along in the book, Challenge #31 in the Junior level, needs two tiles behind the boy in the rain: solid blue for his shirt and blue stripes for his umbrella, boots, and boat. The trick here is making sure the lines are behind the solid blue tile so the center blue section stays a solid color, not striped.

Ready for a more complex challenge at the Expert level? This child’s snowsuit should be pink with green dots, and the snowman’s hat and scarf must be blue striped. In layering the tiles, remember to turn them so the swatch of color is right where you need it to be and not running in the wrong direction.
My Thoughts

I love how compact and self-contained this game is. It’s perfect for travel or to keep a child occupied quietly at a restaurant, church, or doctor’s office. The tile manipulation aspect of it is excellent for tactile, hand-eye coordination development.
Children as young as 3 or 4 can enjoy playing Dress Code and will find satisfaction in completing the challenges. Older children and adults enjoy fiddling with it as well.
I have recently organized an activity-pack shelf in our church foyer for children to check out a Bible storybook or play set to take to their seats during morning worship. I plan to add Dress Code to the rotation. It’s a quiet activity that won’t distract little ears from hearing the message as they sit with their parents or grandparents.
More Reviews
If you’re intrigued by single-player thinking games check out these other Smart Games I’ve reviewed: