Literary Pursuits

Books I Read in 2020

I’ve been tracking my reading for the past 5 years, and it turns out that 2020 was my biggest reading year yet. I guess that shouldn’t come as any surprise–2020 being what it was–but I actually didn’t have a lot of downtime like a many folks did. Since I work from home it was pretty much “business as usual” for me. I did, however, read a lot of children’s books, as well as my usual fiction, so that likely explains the higher volume.

Here’s my reading list by category. The title link will take you to Amazon where you can usually read a description and a few sample pages. I also have to disclose (as if you didn’t know) that they are affiliate links which means I might earn a little bit if you end up ordering from Amazon. I’ve included a star rating (on a scale of 1 to 5) with cover photos for the ones I rated 5-star.

I’ve also indicated which titles are available on Kindle Unlimited if you have a membership. If you don’t, you can try it free for a month.

I plan to discuss some of these books more in-depth in future posts. If you’re on Goodreads I’d love to connect with you there. Or follow my Instagram account for bookish posts throughout the year.

Christian Fiction

(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)
(Kindle Unlimited)

Survivalist Fiction

(Kindle Unlimited)

Mainstream Fiction


(Kindle Unlimited)

Children’s Picture Books

Juvenile Fiction

(Kindle Unlimited)

Audible Stories

Free to listen to at

YA Fiction

Christmas Books



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