Snoqualmie Falls
We took “the scenic route” Sunday. That’s become our tradition each year– to find something interesting and a little out-of-the-way to stop and see on our way home from the homeschool conferences we go to in the Seattle area. This time Lyle decided on Snoqualmie Falls. We have visited several waterfalls in the Northwest over the years, but this is one we hadn’t been to before. We parked on the opposite side of the highway from the falls and crossed through a covered pedestrian bridge.
At the first observation deck we came to we could see the top of the falls, but not the full length of it. We felt a little spray as we stood there snapping pictures. The main observation deck was further down the river so I figured the spray wouldn’t be as heavy there.
I was wrong. Either that or it was raining at that end. I think it was just a low rain-cloud over that deck, but Lyle argued that he thought it was spray from the falls. Several other sight-seers had umbrellas. We didn’t. We got wet. And we didn’t get very good pictures because of the heavy mist.
It was still worth stopping to see. I’d like to go back on a prettier day, but then the waterfall is probably most dramatic in the springtime.
I got Lyle a book for Christmas, Waterfall Lover’s Guide: Where to Find Hundreds of Spectacular Waterfalls in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. I know we haven’t been to “hundreds” of waterfalls yet, so I expect we’ll be searching out more when we get a chance.
Enjoying the adventure!

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Jennifer aGlimpseOfOurLife