This week’s theme on the Gracious Hospitali-Tea Blog-a-thon is to share ideas and pictures that incorporate tea and/or tea themes into home decor.
Now, as you no doubt realize, my home is not all put together yet from our move… and my decorating is not complete. (But then, is it ever?) But here are a few pictures that go along with this week’s theme.
First, my violet tea “set” that I told about in January. I have it on the mantle of my “faux” fireplace in the living room. My mother added a piece while she was here. She found the little pitcher night-light/scent-warmer that fits right in, while we were out shopping. I put rose-scented oil in it for now, because that’s what I have… but I’d like to find violet-scented oil for it if I can. I also want to add some taper candles and greenery to this grouping, but for now it is simply the tea-set on a doily.For some reason this Precious Moments figurine always makes me think of tea-time. The name of it is “You are Always There for Me”… and it portrays one little girl comforting another. Good friends, a listening ear, a hanky (if needed), and a cup of tea… isn’t that what tea-time is all about?
Last week I quoted from Anne of Green Gables for my Liter-a-Tea post. Well, I found the neatest book this week: The Anne of Green Gables Treasury. One chapter in the book was all about tea-time. It even gave a typical menu, listing four courses: sandwiches, biscuits and jam, cookies or fruitcake, and dessert. I’ll probably share some more of the ideas later, but I decided that my girls and I should start having tea every day! We usually eat lunch around noon, but often supper isn’t until 8:00 p.m. or later, so of course we get hungry in between and do a lot of snacking. More than we should, I’m sure. So I told the girls that we will start having tea at 4:00 p.m. and cut out all this between-meals snacking. They loved that idea, and I think it will be a fun memory for them, as well as a practical idea. I plan to add either fresh fruit or veggies as a substitute for the dessert course. I just don’t see the need for a cookies and fruitcake course, followed by a dessert course! LOL! And just as Marilla didn’t let Anne use the rosebud-spray tea set for her tea with Diana, we won’t be using the violet tea set for every day. Instead, we have this friendly little fat stoneware tea-pot that matches my Pfaltzgraff Yorktowne dishes.

What fun. Wish I could join you sometimes.
What a sweet idea…a memory your girls will always enjoy!
Your tea sets are precious. And what a great idea! I always enjoy visiting your blog!
La Tea Dah
Your tea sets are beautiful! I love the violets! And. . .the everyday tea set with an everyday tea sounds simply divine! How special that you have girls to share tea with you each day!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Karla,
Well, here I am again trying to catch up! :O)
I am not a tea drinker but I think I’m gonna have to learn to be. Everywhere I’ve been tonight I’m reading about tea!! It’s coffee for me! I do love pretty teapots though!
I hope you’re enjoying your new home!
Charli and me
Your tea set is so pretty. I love the idea of you having tea with your girls. You are starting a wonderful tradition. What a great way to spend some quality time with them.
A Romantic Porch
KARLA, I think I left my comment for this one on the one below, I guess I scrolled by the comment bar to quickly. sorry! xo
Sweet Necessi-Teas
What a great idea–to have tea, make memories and cut out the endless snacking. I miss the days when my children were young. I used to have tea parties with my daughter… Thanks for sharing photos of your Wild Violets and everyday tea set.
I love the piece your mother added to your set ~ it’s beautiful!
What a wonderful idea ~ doing afternoon tea! The duchess had a pretty good idea when you think about it. And how wise of you to implement it ~ so much healthier.
It looks like you’re doing a wonderful job of settling in ~ it’s looking homey.
Have a wonderful week!
Melissa's Cozy Teacup
How delightful! I would have loved a daily tea party growing up. Tasha Tudor is in her 90’s and always has tea at 4 everyday. I think we Americans should start this as a ‘new’ tradition. We need to slow down a bit and I think this is the perfect way.
ellen b
Hi Karla,
That Pflatzgraff Yorktowne pattern was what I registered for when I was married in 1974. I have the tea pots and a few accessories left. I love your violet tea set. I’ll have to keep my eye out for that Anne/treasury book! Enjoy…
Sounds like fun! What is your favorite tea?
The violet tea set is so pretty. I’ve never seen that pattern before.
I just love your idea, Karla! The girls are going to have some sweet memories of your daily tea time together! Wish I lived right next door so I could join on occasion!
Your violet tea set is so lovely, and sharing tea with your girls every day sews another thread of memories into your hearts. Karen
Vee ~ A Haven for Vee
I love your idea of having tea with your girls at four. They are going to enjoy that so much. Hope that you’ll talk about it again.
Your tea set is lovely with the delicate purple flowers.
Good luck with the unpacking!
That is a very good way to create special memories with your girls that they will remember always.
I love that little Precious Moments figurine you have shown there. So cute.
Thanks for showing your tea things and telling what you all are up to.
A very special teapot…that violet one!
Grace Yaskovic
Karla, lovely displays, continue to enjoy your beautiful tea things!
Kathi-lavender, lace and thyme
Karla, what beautiful tea sets, especially the violets. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful evening.
Kathi 🙂
This is the first time I have seen that tea set in the Pfaltzgraff “Yorktowne” pattern.
What a wonderful tradition to start with your girls. It makes me wish I had little girls! Thank you for sharing.
Miss Sandy
What a wonderful time of memory making you and your girls will have! Your tea sets are darling. I saw one of my favorite verses on your banner and love the pictures that accompany it!
Love your violet tea set! And what a fun tradition to do with your girls!
What a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Jason Wells
Hi Karla,
Thanks for recommeding the Anne of Green Gables Treasury!
Jason Wells
Do you have any other recommedations for Edwardian style tea parties?
I sell Anne of Green Gables tea ware on my website