
The White Sisters (Follow-up Post)

Do you remember back in January when I posted about my sisters and my aunt and I pretending to be The White Sisters? (Click here to read it, if you missed it.) It was a fun memory… and brought a lot of chuckles as we talked it over again. In our little-girl minds The White Sisters were big celebrities, so I was very excited to get an email last week from Fay White! Check it out…

Hello Karla,

One of my family members found your site today and forwarded it to us.

The article on the trio is so special and we were blessed!

Your website is very interesting and I look forward to going there again.

My sisters and I all live in Brooksville, Fl. and are together so much. Our health has not been real great for a few weeks but up until then we were singing in our church “The Wesleyan Church.” The Lord has continued to use our music via CD’s or articles like yours.

It was soooo special. Thank you,

Fay for Joyce and Janet
The White Sisters

Imagine that!!! I feel almost-famous myself!


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