Wiener Roast on the Beach
Something we’ve always wanted to do is build a campfire on the beach. The weather was really nice in the middle of the week, so I suggested we take an armful of firewood down to the beach one evening to have a wiener roast and watch the sunset.
The wind was pretty brisk, so the kids dug a hole in a somewhat sheltered spot for the fire. In spite of that, we had a time getting it to stay lit long enough to catch the wood on fire. After about a half hour of trying, we finally did get it going.
The wind kept the flames snapping merrily, so we didn’t exactly have a nice bed of coals for roasting our hot dogs. We just stuck them down in the flames, and that did the job. However, the wind that kept the fire crackling also gradually eroded the walls of our fire pit… and blew the sand right onto our sizzling hot dogs… which made them more “crunchy” than we would have liked.
We agreed that while our beach fire was not an “epic failure,” it fell more in the category of a one-time “adventure” rather than something we wanted to do again.
After all, what is a vacation without a few adventures?

Keetha Broyles
"Ain't" much better 'n a camp fire!
Kites are pretty cool too.
How many OTHER cool things are you tallying up?
Crunchy hot dogs? Sounds interesting. I would have enjoyed enduring them with you!
Crunchy hot dogs? Sounds interesting. I would have enjoyed enduring them with you!
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day
Eeww!! Crunchy hot dogs!!!! I think you need to try it again, when it’s NOT windy!!
Karla Ezell Cook
Yes, I’m sure that would be better. The thing is, it’s almost always windy on the coast.