Literary Pursuits

Why Do I Blog?

Why I Blog

Those of you who have been following my blog for awhile have probably noticed that I’ve been doing some updating lately.

The most obvious is that I’ve moved from Blogger to my own domain. That has been a learning curve in and of itself. My site layout is not yet what I want it to be, but that will come in time.

I’m also trying to become a little more focused in what I write about. I haven’t narrowed it down to a single niche, and I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing that. I’ve discovered that we “niche-less” bloggers are sometimes called “lifestyle” bloggers, and I think that fits my objective pretty well, so I’m okay with that.

Which brings me to the question: Why do I blog?

In a nutshell: Because I love to tell stories.

I love to “know the story” about whatever I’m interested in, and if it turns out to be an interesting story, then I like to share it. Essentially, I think that’s what my blog boils down to.

So I blog about my home

my family, my marriage, homeschooling, recipes we love, our dog, our day-to-day routines…

I blog about projects I’m working on…

crocheting, quilting or other needlework, photography…

I blog about reading

books I’m currently reading, books I’ve read in the past, books that have had an impact on me…

I blog about writing

the novel I’m working on, articles I’ve written, writing workshops and retreats…

I blog about road trips

cross-country trips, day trips, ones we’ve taken in the past, ones we’d like to take…

And I ramble a lot…

about my faith, my heritage, and random things I find interesting…

That leaves it pretty wide open for me to blog about… well, pretty much anything. My goal for the upcoming weeks and months is to try to organize this hodge-podge into something of a magazine format, so my readers can easily find the topics they are most interested in and skip the rest.

My question for you is: What types of stories do you find most interesting on a blog?

I’d really like to know!

(And I’m so sorry that you’ll have to scroll back up to the top of this post to leave a comment. I’ve been trying to figure out how to move that down here where it belongs, but I haven’t had any luck with that yet. Thanks for understanding!)



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