Our History Scrapbook
When Rebecca was studying American history in middle school, we created an extensive American history scrapbook. We filled a large binder with blank 3-hole-drilled paper and then labeled each page with a year in the upper right corner. We inserted dividers between the centuries.
I used a variety of resources for filling in our scrapbook including:
- Sonlight’s timeline figures (purchased)
- A Journey Through Learning lapbooking pieces (purchased)
- printable clip-art found online
- used American history books that I found at thrift stores and then cut apart
- and some things we just “penciled” in with colored markers
We wrote the president’s name along the right-hand margin of the page, to keep track of who was president when various events happened.
This was a time-consuming project which we worked on for two years. I felt it was worthwhile because Rebecca needs lots of repetition in a variety of ways to retain information.
We enjoyed doing and it turned out to be a great way to visually reinforce what we were reading about in our American history course. Plus it made a neat keepsake for Rebecca.
You could easily do something similar for world history or state history. Of course, with world history it would be kinda impossible to do a page for every year, but perhaps centuries (for ancient history) and decades (for more recent history) would work.