Mystery Flower
Does anybody know what kind of flower this is?
It was blooming along the snowy road the day we got stuck in the snow. I thought it was absolutely beautiful… but I have no idea what it is.
I was hopeful that maybe it was an edelweiss (you know, like from the Sound of Music?)… but I looked it up on Wikipedia, and no, it looks totally different… and I learned that the edelweiss is a European mountain flower, so it probably doesn’t even grow on this continent!
Beautiful flower! What kind of plant did it grow on? Were there more?
It was on a long stem with leaves around it (I think)… probably from some kind of bulb. This was the only one I saw.
Marjorie (Molly) Smith
Wow, it is beautiful, but I have no clue what it is. Maybe someone will be able to tell you.
Margaret Cloud
I haven’t a clue as to what the name is, but it looks so pretty. Have a nice Memorial Day.
Beth in NC
Wow, I don’t know but it is truly beautiful!
It’s Trillium! Aren’t they beautiful? The Dining Room at the Grand Hotel has carpet with these woven all over and that is where I learned their name. They are a wild flower often growing near streams in wooded areas.
Sorry, it’s me again. This is perfect for a Latin lesson with your girls~ notice the root word “tri” and then note the three petals ~ hence the name.
A Romantic Porch
Wow! How neat that Denise knew. I’ve never seen that blossom. It is stunningly beautiful. xo rachel
Oh shoot – – – Denise beat me to it, it’s a Trillium.
Here’s a link to read more about it
One last thing – – – they are rather endangered, so people are encouraged to look, take photos, but to not pick. You couldn’t know that, but just for future reference.
My Journey
How beautiful! Did I miss the Sonlight thing? I’ve been out of commission physically but I’m getting back into things. Hope you are well!
I have no idea what it is, but it is lovely! 🙂
Stunningly beautiful! Fun that Denise knew what it was! 🙂 Happy Memorial Day!
Susan Marlow . . .
I know what kind of flower that is. It is a Trillium. They grow wild in the forests–pink ones and white ones. As kids, my mom wanted some for her planter on the porch, but wild Trilliums don’t transplant well. But we were determined to get her some, and we did! They are lovely flowers, but delicate.
Hope that helps!
Love Bears All Things
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I love the view from the old building below. I like to go on ramblin trips like this. The flower is beautiful.
Mama Bear