A Love Letter
Today is Marriage Monday over at Chrysalis… and the assignment is to “write a love letter to my husband.” I wasn’t going to do it, because I knew it would embarrass you… but since today happens to be the 24th anniversary of our wedding… well, I couldn’t just let it pass without writing something, now could I?
I love sharing my life with you. I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. It’s hard to realize that it really has been 24 years since we said, “I do.” Thank you for having and holding… and loving and cherishing. I never take it for granted… and I’m grateful.
And before I get too mushy, I’ll stop.
I love you. Always.

Nancy M.
Aww, what a sweet letter! Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on 24 years! What a great Marriage Monday topic for you today! Have a blessed day.
A Romantic Porch
Ah, how sweet. Happy Anniversary! xo rachel
Congratulations on you 24th year.
Where do the years go? We will have 51 in the 14th.
The Going Blog
Happy Anniversary! 24 yrs. and still in love. That is worth celebrating. I hope your day is spent together somehow 🙂
Happy Anniversary! Loved your sweet words to your precious husband.
I think yours is the fourth anniversary being celebrated on Marriage Monday today… (and I thought we were the only couple married in the fall!) VERY Cool!
Thanks for joining us today, Karla.
Blessings, e-Mom :~D
How sweet! Happy Anniversary!!!
Oh what a special day today is indeed!!
Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby.
It only gets better with time, huh?
Blessing to you♥
Julie Arduini.com: The Surrendered Scribe
What perfect timing! Happy anniversary!
Many, many blessings for decades and decades more!
*new website/moved blog*
book giveaways all month!
Happy, happy anniversary! As you said, not too mushy of a love letter, but it certainly says your true feelings and expresses your love.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, your letter was so sweet. 🙂
sometimes the things we feel the deepest are the hardest to convey in mere words! Happy Anniversary you two love birds!
Fantastic letter.
Heather of S-A-M
Happy Anniversary!
I cannot wait till i'm married 24 years! That's awesome! 🙂 God really has blessed us girls with great hubby's to walk out this journey with!
Wife of Rob
Happy Anniversary! Ours was not on the day of the post but it is this month also. What a testimony…anything over 5 years these days is a miracle in the world's eyes. I'm so thankful that as Christians, we can beat the world's statistics!
Hope you guys had a great celebration!