Eastern Idaho
Today we traveled south through eastern Idaho, through the Sawtooth National Recreation area. We spent the night in this rest area on the continental divide along the Idaho/Montana state line. (We had to drive east to Montana, then turned south, which took us back into Idaho again. Idaho is shaped funny, in case you hadn’t noticed!) It was 58 degrees when we left the rest area this morning!We plan to visit 10 states on our 2-week trip. I have been in all 10 of the states before, and I have to say, I’ll be surprised if we see any scenery more spectacular than what is right here in Idaho! The Sawtooth Mountains were awesome…
…and Shoshone Falls near Twin Falls is amazing. They call it the “Niagara of the West.” Of course, this time of the year it is not as dramatic as it would be in the spring, but it is still beautiful!
Yep, there’s more than one reason why I prefer road-trips to air travel! Getting there is truly half the fun!
(Click on the pictures to see them larger.)

That's some lovely countryside! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Nancy M.
The pictures are beautiful!
WOW! Love the falls.
Karen (KayKay)
Gorgeous scenery. I've never been out west – I would love to take a vacation there.