Friday Freebies
Good morning! Just a few titles to add to my to-be-read files this week. Kind of an eclectic assortment, but that's okay. That's the kind of reader I am.
My Big Wimmelbook: Fire Trucks!
What I particularly like about the Fire Trucks! book is that each page offers opportunity to think about and discuss safety and emergency scenarios in a very kid-friendly way.
Review: Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War
Today I’m reviewing Mrs. Witherspoon Goes to War, a Christian World War II novel by Mary Davis.
What I Read in January
Due to unexpected health issues, travel, and holiday busy-ness I didn’t get my reading reports for October, November, or December posted. I’m not going to go back and do that now, but for a year-end report: my GoodReads totals for 2021 are 255 books and 54,150 pages. That’s down from 282 books in 2020. Let’s see what kind of track…
Review: The Debutante’s Code
Today I’m reviewing The Debutante’s Code, a Christian Regency romance/mystery novel by Erica Vetsch. Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher as part of Read with Audra blog tours. My Review Turns out, The Debutante’s Code is not your average Regency romance novel. Yes, it does include an element of romance, but I would classify it more as a cozy mystery.…
Review: Rest, Girl
Today I’m reviewing Rest, Girl a nonfiction Christian living book for women by Jami Amerine, Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher as part of JustRead Publicity Tours! My Review I know I’m not the only one who has struggled with anxiety and worry over the past many months. At times it feels like spiritual oppression because, you know…
Review: Spouse in the House
Today I’m reviewing Spouse in the House: Rearranging Our Attitudes to Make Room for Each Other, a nonfiction Christian marriage book by Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby.
What I Read in September
What with settling in to our new home, plus a trip to Missouri, I didn't fit in as much reading as I usually do this past month. But, as always, I did read a few books.
Review: The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady
If you're in the market for a fun and inspiring fall read, The Unlikely Yarn of the Dragon Lady might be just what you're looking for. I mean, what could be cozier than a story about a group of women who meet weekly to knit prayer shawls?