Books Read in June
Continuing with the 2010 100+ Reading Challenge, here are the books I read in June:
54. So Not Happening by Jenny B. Jones
55. The Art and Craft of Writing Christian Fiction by Jeff Gerke
56. Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
55. Katy’s New World by Kim Vogel Sawyer
56. Missing Max by Karen Young
57. Healer by Linda Windsor
58. Motorcycles, Sushi, and One Strange Book by Nancy Rue
59. Boyfriends, Burritos, and an Ocean of Trouble by Nancy Rue
60. Perfectly Dateless by Kristen Billerbeck
61. Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz
62. Tomorrow We Die by Shawn Grady

*.* Kendi
That's all you read?
You've got a lot read.
I don't think I could ever achieve this goal.
Well done, my friend.