12 Books for the 4th of July
Are you doing anything special for the 4th of July?
How many times have you been asked that or something similar for any given holiday? It seems that asking about holiday or weekend plans have taken the “How are you?” and “What about this weather?” chit-chat to the next level. That and “How’s your day goin’ so far?” I’m talking about the trite conversations the cashier at the grocery store or the barista at the coffee shop will gamely try to engage you in. I appreciate their efforts to be friendly, but to be honest, I kinda roll my eyes at the shallowness of it all. Do they really want to know?
Since you asked… (okay, you didn’t, but “they” did)… there are a number of activities that I enjoy on the 4th of July. Attending a small-town parade might be at the top of my list. I like to have a cookout with friends. Or go camping. Fireworks aren’t my favorite, but my family loves them so we often find a display to watch. This year, as it turns out, we’ll be traveling. Since the 4th is on Sunday we are planning to attend church. I hope we sing some patriotic hymns.
The 4th of July isn’t–thank goodness!–a holiday for gifts or passing out candy like so many have evolved into. It’s a midsummer day off that, for us, usually involves family, friends, and doing something outdoors. The perfect opportunity to think about and appreciate our freedoms as Americans.
With that in mind, I wanted to share a round-up of a dozen “children’s” books that help remind us. (I put “children’s” in quotation marks because these are titles that can be enjoyed by all ages.) UsualĀ Disclosure: Some of the book covers below are affiliate links which means I may earn a small commission on your Amazon purchase.
Independence Day Book List
So, really, what are you doing for the 4th? Anything fun?