Travel Stats: Day 10
Departed Belle Fourche, South Dakota: 7:45 a.m. MDT
Hours driven: 10:40
Miles driven: 791
Average speed: 74.1 mph
Fuel mileage: 32.4 mpg
States: South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho
Other VW Jetta wagons spotted: 2 (white, black)
Weather: heavy rains and wind through Wyoming and eastern Montana, which made it a little scary passing semis on the two-lane
Read-Aloud: the first few chapters of Trim, Healthy Mama by Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett
Car Talk podcast: 2 episodes
Also listened to: yesterday’s sermon
Arrived home: 6:00 p.m. PDT
Happy to be safely home! I’ll post a trip wrap-up next, just for the record.