Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge
I love old-fashioned “girl” books. When I was growing up (and voraciously reading just about anything I could get my hands on… okay, who am I kidding? I still do that!) I loved series books. I also figured out quite early on that if I particularly enjoyed a book I should look for more books by the same author. And that’s how I discovered the Betsy-Tacy stories by Maud Hart Lovelace. There are actually two “generations” of Betsy-Tacy books: four titles featuring a little-girl Betsy and her friends, Tacy and Tib… and then six more books about an older Betsy– one for each year of high school, one about her travels after high school, and one about her wedding. There are also 3 more spin-off books about some of Betsy’s friends and acquaintances. They are set around the turn of the century (1900… not 2000!) and have the most elegant Gibson Girl style illustrations.
Visit the Here in the Bonny Glen to read Melissa Wiley’s synopsis of each title. Remember Melissa? She’s one of my “author friends.” She wrote the Little House spin-off series about Martha and Charlotte. She’s also been very excited that she was invited to write the forward for a new two-books-in-one re-release of Maud Hart Lovelace’s Carney’s House Party and Winona’s Pony Cart.
The second annual Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge will be running through the month of October at A Library is a Hospital for the Mind. Participants will have a chance to win a copy of one of the new editions, and it looks like other prizes and fun are on the agenda as well.
The hardest part for me is choosing which book to re-read. I’ve read them all before (some more than once) and I know I don’t have time to read them all again right now. I think I’m going to settle on Betsy and Joe. It’s about Betsy’s senior year… and since my daughter is a senior, it seems appropriate.

One Comment
S. Mehrens
I'm so excited to have yo uas part of the reading challenge. Thanks for signing up. 🙂 Happy reading.