
Fairbanks Convention

The Fairbanks IDEA curriculum fair started today. We have a nice booth location just inside the door. We weren’t able to use our new gray tablecloths because they are designed for eight-foot tables, and the tables at this event are six-foot. The blue ones are some we had from last year. It was just serendipity that they match the draping at this event so well.

This event is held at the Carlson Center, which, it turns out, is the arena for the Alaska Nanooks ice hockey team. Late in the afternoon, when traffic in the vendor hall had slowed down, I went out and hunted the stairs up to the mezzanine to take a “bird’s eye view” picture.

You can see our booth in the left corner, against the wall. Our “sister company,” BookShark, is on the right. That’s why there are five on our “team”– three for Sonlight, and two for BookShark.

After work, our team went to the Silver Gulch Brewery for dinner. I’m not sure why most of the restaurants in Alaska seem to be breweries. I had seafood fettuccine and a “Shirley Temple” (which turned out to be a cherry Sprite). Both were delicious!


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