Game Review: Abducktion
Today’s review is for Abducktion, a "weirdly strategic duck kidnapping" game for 1-6 players. It is a hilarious strategy game with a strong emphasis on spatial insight and planning.
Game Review: Not It! The Camping Chaos Edition
I love the compact, take-along-friendly design of this clever game. And since camping trips are often when we find time to play family games, it's fun to have a few games that tie in with the wilderness and camping experience.
Game Review: Smart Dog
Have you ever watched dogs running through an obstacle course? They are so much fun to watch because the dogs always look like they are having such a good time. That premise for this thinking game makes me smile.
Game Review: LogiBugs
Today’s review is for the LogiBugs travel game by Smart Games. With magnetized ladybugs it is perfect for playing in the car.
Ouachita National Forest
Our recent Sunday afternoon drive took us through the Ouachita National Forest.
Mount Magazine
Our Sunday afternoon drive took us to Mount Magazine State Park this week. We always enjoy the drive and stopping at pullouts to take in the view.
Review: Animal Farm graphic novel
Having noticed potential Orwellian scenarios percolating in recent months and years, I was interested in revisiting Animal Farm when I saw this graphic novel adaptation.
Review: Murder on the Orient Express graphic novel
Today, I’m sharing a book review for a graphic novel adaptation of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express.
Review: Hidden Systems
Today, I’m sharing a book review for Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day.
Review: When Stars Are Scattered
Today, I’m sharing a book review for When Stars Art Scattered, a refugee memoir in graphic novel format.