Happy Birthday, Mother!
Recently I came across this sweet picture of my mother and her older sister celebrating their first and second birthdays respectively. Aunt Donnie’s birthday is earlier in September and Mother’s is today, so they were just over a year apart in age. Mother says they always celebrated their birthdays together growing up. They went out to lunch to celebrate this year. I wonder if anyone made them tiny cakes?
What’s interesting is that 10 years ago, one of my sisters had a baby boy on Mother’s birthday. (Happy Birthday, Jamie!) The next year, my other sister had twins on Aunt Donnie’s birthday. (A belated Happy Birthday to Aunt Donnie, and Elizabeth and Garrett, too!) September is the most populated month for birthdays in our family.

Wonderful old picture… wonderful story. I love looking at old photos.
Thank you Karla. I like that picture too.