
Give Thanks

1. List three (little) things you wouldn’t want to live without:

  • contact lenses
  • books
  • coffee

2. Name something you had to do without recently: a car
3. What are you most thankful for that you consider a luxury? my “new” car
4. Name an item you use the most throughout your day: a computer
5. What would life be like without the item listed in #4? It would be a completely different lifestyle. I wouldn’t be able to work as a Sonlight advisor. Research and archiving for my writing would be much harder.
6. Name something that you use in the kitchen that you are thankful for: the microwave
7. What is (one of ) the best earthly gift(s) you ever received? my engagement watch, for what it symbolized
8. Name a completely random thing you are thankful for: our sweet dog, Cookie
9. How often do you think about the item listed in #8? All the time because she’s usually in the room with me, just waiting to be noticed.
10. Name something you recently acquired, that you have wanted for a long time: a Toyota RAV4
11. Would you rather have #4, or #7? Well, #7 no longer works, so it has been retired to my jewelry box, but the resulting marriage is a treasure worth more than any material item.
12. Name one of your favorite things: I have an awfully hard time picking favorites, but I do love the quilt my mother made for my bed.
13. Look around the room you are in, and name three things you enjoy in it:

  • a wall full of books
  • family pictures
  • Cookie!

14. List three tools you use in your daily work that you are thankful for:

  • the computer
  • the scanner/copier
  • my phone

15. Name something that you sometimes wish you didn’t have in your life, but that you would miss dreadfully if it were taken away: our travel-trailer
16. Post a picture (or ten) of something you are thankful for!


  • Farrah

    I see several materialistic items listed, some listed repeatedly, but once again Karla, I don't see my name! We've been through this! Where is my name, and where are your priorities, Girl!? "My friend Farrah," "Farrah's friendship," "The privilege of having Farrah once/week in my home" — these are what I should see for some of those answers! In fact, I'm sure Kelly and Hana would agree that I should be on their lists as well. And your parents would agree too, no doubt.

    Wait! Did I see a happy birthday in the comments??! All right, X all that out. What kind of friend doesn't even know your birthday?! Keep the computer and car in there. And contact lenses. I am not worthy!

    Was it really your b-day two days ago? Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy belated birthday to Karla . . . Happy birthday to you! . . . and many more!

  • Farrah

    Wait! Your parents left that on the 24th! That was . . . yesterday! Was your birthday on black friday? Did you shop on your birthday?! Turkey left-overs on my birthday wouldn't be a bad way to go. Mmmmmmm! TURKEY! I'm thankful right now for turkey and Karla's birthday!

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