
Christmas Week Fragments

Let’s see… it’s Friday… so that means I can post a bunch of random disconnected twaddle and call it a blog post, because that’s what Friday Fragments is all about, right? So… here we go…

You’ll be happy to know that Bernadine and Beauregard Bearsaltandpepper now have company in the Downstairs Northwoods Bathroom. The new inhabitants aren’t directly descended from the Bearsaltandpepper family line, but they are distant cousins way back. They brought their own sleeping bags, and they’ve decided they are quite comfortable and will stay awhile. We haven’t yet discovered what their first names are, but the Mrs. does like to read by flashlight while the Mr. cuddles his teddy bear. (This darling figurine was a Christmas gift from my own Mr.!)

Speaking of the Northwoods… and reading… I just finished reading Love Finds You in Glacier Bay, Alaska by Tricia Goyer and Ocieanna Fleiss. Great story! I’ll be posting my review later, but for now, suffice it to say it’s making me want to visit Alaska. But in the summer, please.

This is plenty of winter for me! Our front yard has looked like this off-and-on for a couple of weeks now. I’m willing to give it another week or two, but then I’ll be ready for spring. *sigh* You can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl, I guess. At least it hasn’t been all that cold… which is why the snow has been on-again/off-again. It keeps snowing. And melting. And snowing. And melting.

A beautiful Christmas Eve bouquet from my daughters has been a good reminder that winter doesn’t last forever. The fragrance of fresh flowers smells like spring every time I walk into my office and notice the arrangement on my desk.

Plus. The days are getting longer now. Have you noticed?

I’ve been staying busy, though, as always. This week my goal has been to get my lesson plans ready for the upcoming winter trimester at our homeschool co-op. I have 6.5 of 8 done, so I’m making good progress.

I also want to clean out Fibber McGee’s closet (aka the catch-all closet in the family) sometime this weekend. Maybe today?

Now that the pre-Christmas rush has dropped off, I’ve been working up some new colors for spring in my mug cozy line for my Etsy shop… including a series with adorable cupcake buttons! I’ll be listing them shortly after New Year’s.

If I don’t manage another post again before Tuesday, have a Happy New Year celebration!

Mommy's Idea


  • bill lisleman

    Nice flowers – very springtime
    We have been lucky with the snow missing us.

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  • Mrs4444

    Sounds like you've been keeping busy when snowed-in 🙂 The cozies are cute. I'll be checking your Etsy site to see what else you have in there, also!

    The bears are cute 🙂

    Glad you have some flowers to keep you in the spring of things!

    Thanks for linking up. Happy New Year! 🙂

  • Keetha Broyles

    Well, you KNOW I love the bears!!! I have more than just the Bearsaltandpeppers too, but none of MINE are all cozy in their SLEEPING bags!

    Your snow is GORGEOUS!!! Don't wish it away, you have all SPRING and all SUMMER to be warm, and only one short winter for cold and snow. ENJOY it.

    Maybe I need to give you a "winter joy" pep talk!

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