
Camping in September

We got off to a late start with our camping this year, due to a really wet spring and a busy homeschool convention season. However, we’ve been making up for lost time this month, with the gorgeous Indian Summer weather we’ve been having. Believe it or not, we’ve been camping for the past 3 weekends in a row. Well, Lyle and the kids have, anyway. One weekend I was gone to my writer’s retreat, but Lyle and the kids went camping. So that counts, right?

Three weeks ago we went camping “up the North Fork” (of the Coeur d’Alene River) with some friends. The river was quite cold but the younger set braved it anyway. I do admire their courage. Or their determination. Or whatever it is.

 The campground is close to one of our favorite short hikes to Fern Falls and Shadow Falls, which we did Saturday morning.

 And then we went mountain climbing! Okay, I have to admit… it was in the truck. Cougar Peak is another of our favorite spots… a mountaintop accessible by road. We ate our lunch on the rocks and admired the view. Fires in the area have made the skies hazy for the past few weeks.

 Last weekend we camped at Farragut State Park. The highlight of that camping trip was the hike we took along Lake Pend Oreille.

During World War II, Farragut was actually a military base. We had fun exploring the remains of a building from that era.

 Laura was taking a close-up shot of the stones in the chimney…

 …when I noticed how well her hat blended with the stones.

I wonder if the military personnel wore camo like that back in the day?

The weather is still holding, with beautiful sunny days and crisp nights, but I guess we’ll be staying home this weekend. We do plan to go to the buffalo round-up in Montana next week… and then in two weeks, we’ll be going on vacation to the Oregon Coast.

You know how we are… always ramblin’ somewhere.

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