A New Adventure
You may have noticed that I haven’t been blogging actively for the past few weeks. There’s a reason for that.
Lyle and I have been carefully and prayerfully considering a major decision for our family. Both of us have unexpectedly been offered full-time jobs in the Denver area… and while we certainly weren’t anticipating making a 1,000-mile move at this stage of our lives, it seems that there are too many open doors and details falling into place for it to not be God’s leading.
And so, right here in the middle of the holiday season, we find ourselves packing up our household and working on all the tedious details that go along with a cross-country move. We’ll be headed for Colorado shortly after the New Year.
My new job is in actuality, somewhat of a “reincarnation” of my current job. I will continue to work as an advisor for Sonlight Curriculum, but as an employee in the main office in Littleton, Colorado, rather than as an independent contractor from home. Lyle will be working at Unique Litho, a print shop not too far from the Sonlight offices. We are excited about this new chapter in our lives, but a little apprehensive about the changes, as well.
Life is always an adventure!

One Comment
It surely is an adventure!! Praying all goes well with your move, travels and transitions!