Vintage Trailer Makeover Progress
We’ve made a lot of progress on our vintage trailer makeover this past week. We still have a lot to do, so I don’t have a cutesy “reveal” photo yet, but I wanted to show you all the hard work Lyle has been doing.
Our first project was to fix the floor. You can’t tell from the picture, but much of the trailer floor was squishy. In some places it felt like it might break through with any step. It had previously been patched and then covered over with ugly gray indoor/outdoor carpet. We decided we would not tear out the old floor, because we didn’t want to tackle the project of replacing joists. Lyle says that’s really what it needs to “do it right.” However, we felt that was beyond the scope of our abilities, so we decided on a patch job instead.
Lyle pulled up the old carpet, which was glued down in places and tacked in others. It was holding in a lot of dirt.
I had vacuumed the carpet, of course, when I cleaned the trailer but after the carpet came up, Lyle went over it again with a shop vac. He said that was a much better method than sweeping because it kept the dust down.
Our plan was to cover the floor with three-quarter-inch plywood in as big of pieces as possible to strengthen what was there. That part of the job involved a lot of measuring and sawing. I was the official board holder for the sawing part. I also helped carry the boards. My specialty is not carpentry, but I can hold things.
Lyle screwed all the plywood down as tightly as possible.
We had decided on self-stick vinyl tile, so he brushed primer on the plywood before starting to lay the tiles.
For a “patch job” I was very impressed with how nice it looks and how solid it feels.
The next step was to build the bed frame.
This part was more of a challenge because Lyle’s not really a carpenter either, though he does have some basic building skills.
In between holding boards for the saw, I started scraping the 1980s style wallpaper off the wall around the kitchen window. I was pleased that the wood behind the wallpaper is in pretty good shape. I was amazed to find that the flowers from the wallpaper had been imprinted on the wall… kinda like a suntan! Weird, huh?
Lyle did a great job with the couch/bed frame. We had decided on a u-shaped couch…
…with hinged lift-up seats for storage…
and then the board in the middle will flip out to make the bed. Then he came up with a brilliant idea for adding support to the middle piece.
He designed the side storage compartment doors to swing out into a triangle shape when the bed is made up, so the board doesn’t sag in the middle.
So that’s my “ta-da!” for now. Lyle’s next project is to work on the water and plumbing systems. I need to figure out about couch cushions and window curtains. And there’s painting to do.
We are hoping to be able to go camping before the month is over, though we don’t expect to be finished with the repairs the first time we take her out.
Stay tuned!

Karla, I love that. I can tell by the photos that just getting a new floor down and the couch/bed made, that you are really getting a different and new feel going on in there. I’m sure it feels much cleaner too. Lyle’s skills are impressive…looks like he’s got the tiny compartment mindset working just fine. I will look forward to her “maiden voyage”!
Karla Ezell Cook
It definitely feels cleaner. I’m looking forward to getting some painting done, too. I’ll be sure to post when we take her out for the first time.
That is awesome!!! Wow! And so fun to watch the progress!!
Karla Ezell Cook
It’s been a lot of work, but a fun challenge!
Good job! The tile is beautiful.
Karla Ezell Cook
Thanks, Mother! The tile looks nice, doesn’t it?
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day
Fantastic! You guys are really coming along! That floor looks great! How wonderful not to have dirty carpet! I love a floor I can sweep AND swab!
Karla Ezell Cook
Yes, me, too! So much cleaner than carpet… even when it’s “dirty.” I think it will be more practical for camping, too.
Michael Ann
That Lyle is a pretty clever guy!
Karla Ezell Cook
He is, isn’t he? I’ve decided to keep him!
All you need is some basic skills and innovation and it is amazing what can be done! I’m impressed by how this professional printer man is able to transfer those skills to make a pretty cool bed and storage. You guys need to come back and visit us, so he can use those skills to help me build our basement bathroom, and of coarse fix Jenae’s car. 🙂 Miss you guys!
Karla Ezell Cook
Yes, he’s just a pretty handy guy to have around! We miss you guys, too.
You guys have really jumped into this refurbishing stuff with both feet. You would never know by looking at the pictures that Lyle isn’t a carpenter. The colors in your tile are lovely. This is really going to be a vintage show place when you are finished.
Karla Ezell Cook
It’s been a fun challenge. We are enjoying it. For the most part. Ha.