
Vintage Baby Cards

I’ve been scrapbooking as long as I can remember. Of course, early on, it was really my mother who kept the scrapbook. My childhood scrapbook is very fragile now with brittle pages, but it is one of my special treasures.
When I was a little girl it was a special treat to get to look at my scrapbook. I always had to promise to handle it very carefully as I pored over the photos of events I didn’t remember, and cards from relatives and friends.

My mother saved each of the “congratulations on your new baby” cards she and Dad received when I was born, as well as tags from some of the baby gifts.
The vintage girly sweetness of them makes me smile. I’m not sure I lived up to the sugar-and-spice and all-things-pink-and-ruffled sentiments, but they are precious anyway.
My favorite card came from my Aunt Dee. I was so impressed that it actually had a “real, live” penny in it! Imagine her “wasting” a penny like that!
Actually, come to think of it… that penny was worth a whole lot more 44 years ago! The hospital bill for my birth (including 2 nights in the hospital) came to $117.60!
I don’t see meals on the itemized list. Maybe they were included in the $12 per night room charge?

Mother tells me she enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner in the hospital that year, the day after I was born. Then she and Daddy took me home….

And we all lived happily ever after!


  • Making Memories 1999

    Oh, what treasures!! I also have some cards from when I was "widdle". I think my mother has the hospital bill from when she was born, and if I remember right, it was around $46. The rate of inflation from then to yours, wasn't that bad…but wow…it has exploded during the last few years!! (I decided not to put our age!) 😉 And speaking of age, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!

  • Mari

    Hi Karla!
    Thanks for stopping by and happy birthday to you! I was born on Thanksgiving so my Mom missed the dinner. I love your cards and the fact that your Mom kept the bill. What a change in prices!

  • Aliene

    How well I remember. Do you have the poem that a preacher wrote (Can't remember his name) about you and Stephanie? I think Br. Billy Hoof wrote one too. I found a picture of you and Steph the other day.
    We also have one with you two 1st cousins in the old baby carriage.

    Hope you had a good birthday. Ane a blessed Thanksgiving.

  • pse

    Yes, the meals were included in the room price. The Dr. said I just as well eat before I went home because I had to pay for it anyway. They served turkey, dressing and what ever else goes with Thanksgiving dinner. I don't remember what Dad had that Thanksgiving! But we sure had a sweet baby girl!

  • A Romantic Porch

    Well now that is just so precious! How neat that you have a baby scrapbook like that! I've been thinking about you all day…well, now yesterday too! I hope your day was super duper happy! Love, Rachel

  • Judi

    Well Happy Birthday ~ I was born on Thanksgiving and I'm sure your Birthday falls on it sometimes as well. Loved the "bill" too and it is wonderful your Mom kept all of those things for you 🙂 Judi

  • ChaChaneen

    Taking a breather to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Lurve the pictures of your scrapbook! Reminds me that I am soooo behind in several projects here.


    Happy birthday to you… happy birthday to you… happy birthday dear Karlaaaaaaaa, happy birthday tooooo youuuuuuu!

  • Flávia Cardoso Oliveira

    Hi Karla, I was looking for a layout to inspire me about motherhood and I found you. I'm brazilian and I've learned scrapbooking in USA, I'm completely in love with your blog and I will love to be your friend here, I'm already your follower and I also hope we can exchange experiences. I wold like to invite you to come over to check my work out too.
    My blog is: http://www.flavinhamcmg.blogspot and I have an icon to translate my blog if you wish to, is in te upper left side of the blog. I will love to know what do you think about the blog. Kisses…
    Flávia Oliveira

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