• Literary Pursuits

    Simple Blog Post Planner (with Free printable)

    I’ve been blogging for a long time, but I still feel like I have so very much to learn. Last summer I moved from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress platform. If you aren’t a blogger you may not know what that means, but it’s not important. The point is, there was a big learning curve involved. Once we got settled after…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Blog Post Round-up

      Here are some articles I’ve read lately that I thought were especially helpful or interesting. I like to share such a list with you every now and then… not only because I think you’ll find them interesting as well, but so I can refer back them later. There’s always something to learn or be informed about, right? * *…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Write 31 Days Wrap-up

    Today wraps up the Write 31 Days challenge. And while I didn’t actually write something new every day, I did manage to post every day throughout the month of October. That was challenge enough for this year. Maybe next year I’ll have more of a theme for October’s challenge. It’s been a lot of fun. I’ve enjoyed coming up with…

  • Literary Pursuits

    31 Days of Ramblin’

    My friend, Sheila at Making the Most of Every Day, encouraged me to join the Write 31 Days writing challenge for the month of October. You may have noticed that during the past few weeks I’ve been trying to blog five days a week, taking weekends off. Now that I’m in the groove, I decided to go for the 31-day…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Why Do I Blog?

    Those of you who have been following my blog for awhile have probably noticed that I’ve been doing some updating lately. The most obvious is that I’ve moved from Blogger to my own domain. That has been a learning curve in and of itself. My site layout is not yet what I want it to be, but that will come…

  • Heritage

    The Granddaddy Tapes

    This coming weekend my parents and their five children, along with in-laws and grandchildren, will be gathering to celebrate my parents’ 50th anniversary which was earlier this spring. In preparation for a day of sharing memories, I’ve been gathering pictures and scrapbooks and all kinds of memorabilia to take along. As I was getting things together I happened to remember…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Weevils in the Flour

    Awhile back I was reading some (way) back issues in the archives of the Altus Times-Democrat newspaper on Google News. Altus is the county seat of the little town where my mother grew up. I am working on a novel set in the area during the Dust Bowl days of the Great Depression. This was an ad for a local grocery store…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Writer’s Retreat

     This week a friend and I went “off the grid” for a mini writer’s retreat. We stayed in one of these cute little lakeside cabins. It was a productive time. We both worked on our books, brainstormed with each other, and enjoyed probably just a tad too much off-topic chit-chat. The weather was pretty blustery, though the sun was out…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Quiet Times

    During the summer months I look forward to having my morning quiet times on the deck just outside the kitchen. It is shady and cool there early in the morning. The breeze rustles the aspen and fir trees along the fence. The chickens cluck contentedly. The dog sniffs around the yard to see if anything has changed overnight. The cat…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Goldtown Adventures – review

    Fellow homeschool-mom Susan K. Marlow’s new book series for kids, Goldtown Adventures, has launched! Badge of Honor  is an exciting historical novel for kids. It takes place in the waning days of the California gold rush, as seen through the eyes of 12-year-old Jem. There is still gold to be found (small amounts, anyway) if one is willing to work…