• Adventures

    Camping with Kids

    In this week's camping series I've been featuring pages from a fun vintage Little Golden Book, Smokey Bear and the Campers, that I found at a thrift store last summer. The story is about Ernest Swift and his sister, Mary. Yes, those are the children's names. The book was first published in 1961.

  • Adventures

    How to Plan Your First Camping Trip

    It’s official. Our vintage camper has been retired. We ended getting a newer one a couple of weeks ago. We are excited. It will definitely make camping a little more comfortable as well as give us the option for traveling with it if we want. As we are getting it set up and loaded with our equipment I pulled out…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Vintage ABC picture book

    Today, boys and girls, we are going to learn the alphabet. There will be a quiz, so pay attention, please! This is a “weekend re-run” from 2009 featuring a darling vintage picture book that was among some other old books that were given to me that summer. The cover is missing and there is not a copyright date on it, but the…

  • Literary Pursuits

    Vintage Boys and Girls Cookbook

    It’s been awhile since I’ve participated in Vintage Thingies Thursday, but I’ve been meaning for several weeks to share this cookbook from my childhood with you.I can’t remember where Mother got them, but we had this cookbook and a Betty Crocker’s Parties for Children book. I “inherited” the cookbook and it is falling apart. I haven’t seen the party book…