Big Adventure: Day 22
A low-key day with a slow meander along the Great River Road in which we meet Popeye and friends... and also Lewis and Clark...
Big Adventure: Day 21
In which we continue to meander along Historic Route 66 in central Illinois with much quirkiness...
Big Adventure: Day 19
Hello, September! Today we braved downtown Chicago to find the point where Historic Route 66 starts and then wove our way through the city and several small towns, doing our best to stay on the old highway.
Big Adventure: Day 15
We wended our way along Lake Michigan visiting SEVENTEEN Little Free Libraries in small towns along the way. I'm pretty sure that's my record for one day.
Big Adventure: Day 12
Exploring the small towns and big woods along the highway across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan...
Big Adventure: Day 6
Thursday was a driving day, though we only drove about 3 hours, from Lolo Pass to Kalispell, Montana.
Big Adventure: Day 5
Another cool, damp day at Powell Campground, making friends with a ground squirrel, and going for hikes...
Big Adventure: Day 4
Tuesday was a quiet day at the campground. It was significantly cooler and overcast. We and our friends mostly sat around the table playing games, coloring, and drinking copious amounts of coffee and hot tea.