Sight-Seeing in South Dakota

Today we hit several of the main “tourist attractions” along I-90 in South Dakota. We have traveled this route many times, but we usually don’t take time to stop for sight-seeing. We did this time just to help break the trip up a little. First up was the Corn Palace in Mitchell. We were interested to learn that the exterior is redecorated every year with several varieties of corn. We laughed to see the birds pecking kernels right off the building!There were several permanent corn murals inside. I guess the birds (and the weather) can’t get to those, so they don’t have to be replaced every year.Further down the highway we stopped at the “world famous” Wall Drug. Why is it world famous? Why, because it is advertised all over the world as being world famous! We even saw one billboard bragging that they have a sign in Kenya, Africa. Now, doesn’t that just make you want to go there?Our final destination for the day was Mt. Rushmore. We timed it so we could be there for the evening program and lighting ceremony.It was a beautiful, cool evening. The perfect ending to a fun day.