Our pastor has a burden to see a real revival in our day… and I’m finally beginning to catch the vision. We have gone for so long without it, that I’m afraid I am (or was) almost to the point of not believing it could really happen again.
Yesterday the pastor gave me some notes of a sermon he preached on revival some years ago (before we lived here). I haven’t worked my way through all of them yet… but the following really struck me…
“…Most Christians talk about wanting God to have His way, and sing about it, but would be scared to death if He did. Regardless of what we say and sing about, God won’t come unless He is welcome. We really don’t want Him to come and upset our programs and plans and direction of life. It’s that comfort thing all over. We don’t come to church expecting God to move. We don’t want Him to interrupt anything that we have planned. There is no place in our time-managed, clock-oriented, appointment-filled lives for any interruptions… And that is the precise reason why God comes so seldom on the church today. We can get along without Him. We go about doing the work of the church with our abilities and our strength, and we can be certain that we will reap the harvest of mere human endeavor.” (–W.L. Boone, 1994)
God help us all!
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