Mulberry River Road Scenic Byway
On Sunday afternoon we set out for an adventure along the Mulberry River Road Scenic Byway. While it's still technically winter we're beginning to see hints of spring including warmer temps and sunshine that afternoon.
Game Review: Pirates Crossfire
We enjoy having Pirates Crossfire on our game shelf as a single-player game for all ages.
Review: Engaging Deception
Today I’m participating in a book tour for Engaging Deception, a Gilded Age historical novel by Regina Jennings...
Review: The Secret Society of Salzburg
Today I’m participating in a book tour for The Secret Society of Salzburg, a World War II historical novel by Renee Ryan, a Love Inspired Trade book.
Vintage New Year’s Radio Shows
During this festive time of year, I enjoy listening to holiday episodes of some of my favorite old-time radio shows, particularly the comedies. It's fun to imagine how Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's might have been celebrated 50 or 75 years ago in America.
Free Christmas Books
Here is a curated list of Christmas books free for download, just in time for the Christmas weekend and the it’s-too-cold-to-go-out days we are “enjoying” right now. Grab a snuggly blanket and your hot beverage of choice, and cuddle up with a good book for a little bit. Merry Christmas! Usual Disclosure: These are affiliate links, meaning I may earn a…
Game Review: So Clover
So Clover is a cooperative word-association game for 3 to 6 players. I love word games so I was pretty sure I would like this game but I wasn't sure how well it would go over with my family.
Review: The Sisters of Sea View
Today I’m sharing a book review for The Sisters of Sea View, an inspirational Regency Romance novel by Julie Klassen.
Game Review: Quixo
Quixo is a two-person strategy game with a tic-tac-toe premise. It can also be played with four player in two teams.
Mountain Crest Academy
A few weeks ago, we went for a backroads drive with some friends and discovered Mountain Crest Academy. We were hunting elderberries, but the ones we found were so tiny we decided we didn’t want to mess with them. Instead, we just enjoyed the lovely Ozark scenery and the fascinating stories our friends had to tell. It was the time…