Springtime on the Homestead
It's officially spring in our neck of the woods. We've had a good bit of rain, but also a fair share of warm, sunny days.
Review: U.S. History Detective, Book 2
U.S. History Detective, Book 2 covers from the late 1800s through the Obama administration. I would recommend it for 8th grade and up, along with a generous selection of historical novels and biographies for a full Modern American History course.
Review: U.S. History Detective, Book 1
U.S. History Detective Book 1 focuses on American history from the time of the first European explorers interacting with Native Americans through the Reconstruction Era following the Civil War. I feel it would be perfect for a high school level Early American History course if you included a generous selection of corresponding historical novels and biographies.
Review: Love’s Fortress
Love's Fortress is a "split time" novel with one story line in the present tying in with a relevant story line in the past, in this case 1875. Both stories take place in St. Augustine, Florida.
Natural Dam and Other Adventures
Now that spring is creeping in we are beginning to get out and explore the area a little more.
Review: The Sugarcreek Surprise
Today I’m reviewing The Sugarcreek Surprise, an Amish romance novel by Wanda E. Brunstetter. It is Volume 2 in the Creektown Discoveries series. Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher as part of JustRead publicity tours. This post includes Amazon affiliate links. My Review The Sugarcreek Surprise is a sweet story about a 25-year-old schoolteacher who lives with her grandparents. I…
Homestead Update
It's still mostly winter here on the homestead... at least for the moment. However, spring is gradually creeping in...There is still much we can't do until spring arrives for sure-and-certain, but we are making a little progress on our homestead goals...
Friday Freebies
Good morning! Just a few titles to add to my to-be-read files this week. Kind of an eclectic assortment, but that's okay. That's the kind of reader I am.
My Big Wimmelbook: Fire Trucks!
What I particularly like about the Fire Trucks! book is that each page offers opportunity to think about and discuss safety and emergency scenarios in a very kid-friendly way.