One Sentence a Day – August
A recap of August in one sentence a day… and a few pictures.
Monday, August 1.
Porch-sittin’ in the evening has become one of my favorite summer [in]activities.
Tuesday, August 2.
Played around a little bit with graphic design.
Wednesday, August 3.
Celebrated Lyle’s birthday with take-out pizza and an evening at home.
Thursday, August 4.
Sometimes it’s just good to invite yourself over to sit on a friend’s front porch and watch the sun go down.
Friday, August 5.
Lovely afternoon and evening for a drive to the Oregon coast with my sweetheart.
Saturday, August 6.
Relaxed at the beach most of the day.
Sunday, August 7.
Beautiful drive home again via Mount Rainier National Park.
Monday, August 8.
Watched part of the Olympics opening ceremony that Lyle had recorded over the weekend.
Tuesday, August 9.
Went to Coeur d’Alene to get groceries.
Wednesday, August 10.
Worked on a collating job at the print shop.
Thursday, August 11.
Got a post card from our friends who went to Hawaii on vacation.
Friday, August 12.
Spent the afternoon at the Post Falls print shop with Lyle.
Saturday, August 13.
Fun day trip up the Selway River.
Sunday, August 14.
A day of rest and family worship.
Monday, August 15.
Laura and Rebecca went to Silverwood to “play.”
Tuesday, August 16.
Tried my hand at doing some design work for the print shop. (Success! Yay!)
Wednesday, August 17.
Laura came home from work with heat exhaustion.
Thursday, August 18.
Represented the print shop at the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon again.

Friday, August 19.
Baked huckleberry muffins picked on our Selway River outing.
Saturday, August 20.
Enjoyed attending Matt and Kaytee’s beautiful country-style wedding.
Sunday, August 21.
Visited Rathdrum Bible Church again.
Monday, August 22.
Rebecca was recovering from a bad cold.
Tuesday, August 23.
My friend, Farrah, invited me to come over and pick blackberries in her backyard.
Wednesday, August 24.
We bought an old travel trailer to fix up for camping.
Thursday, August 25.
Baked a blackberry cobbler.
Friday, August 26.
Helped out at the Post Falls print shop in the afternoon.
Saturday, August 27.
Got the trailer cleaned and fixed up cute.
Sunday, August 28.
Another day of rest and family worship.
Monday, August 29.
Grilled hamburgers for supper.
Tuesday, August 30.
Lyle and I tore the old couch and carpet out of the trailer.
Wednesday, August 31.
My friend, Jan, came by for a visit on the porch.
Man, my life sounds kinda boring! But I’m really not bored. I’m just simple like that.
What did you do in August?

Love this!! Great pics, too.
Karla Ezell Cook
Thanks, Jan! It was fun to visit today. Thanks for coming by!
We traveled to Iowa for our son’s wedding, got to see all the kids and grandkids, had a Colorado reception for Jeff and Lesa, packed and packed some more, got a new grandson on my birthday. having lots of goodbyes with special people, and had the buyers over tonight to give the detailed tour of our house and yard. It’s been busy! ~Janet
Karla Ezell Cook
Wow, it does sound busy! Congratulations on the new daughter-in-law and grandson! Your family is growing!
Farrah Braileanu
A cobbler! Nice!!
Karla Ezell Cook
Yes, and it was delicious! Thanks for sharing your berries with me!
Beautiful photos of your community. Love how you started and ended the month on the porch.
Karla Ezell Cook
Ha! I hadn’t even noticed I did it that way until you mentioned it. I do love my porch!
Sheila @ Making the Most of Every Day
Not boring at all! I love reading these!
Karla Ezell Cook
Aw, thanks! That’s sweet of you to say so!