Mullan Tree Geocache
This was our very first find!!! I heard about Geocaching several months ago, but didn’t think there were any in our area. Someone mentioned it again yesterday, and I checked out the website again just out of curiosity. I discovered that there are indeed several in our area! We don’t have a GPS, but we love to go for drives and find interesting out-of-the-way places, so this looks like a perfect hobby for our family!
This geocache at the Mullan Tree nature trail sounded like it would be easy enough to find using the spoiler picture, and my kids are young enough (6 and 9) that it was a challenge just for them to find the right area by looking at the picture. Thank you SO much for making it accessible without a GPS! It was a perfect start to what looks to be a fantastic hobby!
We’ve been meaning for 4 years to stop and do that little hike, but after hundreds of trips over the Pass, today was the first time we stopped long enough to do it. It was absolutely beautiful! Well-marked trail… perfect for young children, but lovely enough for everyone to enjoy!
We left 3 South American coins, a small bean-bag animal, some small plastic stencils for kids, and a button. We took an old penny and a different bean-bag animal. The kids were absolutely thrilled!