Jot ‘Em Down Store
Store Inventory
A list of items that the Jot ‘Em Down Store sells… Naturally, we assume there was much more. These are just a few of the items heard mentioned in various episodes of Lum & Abner.
Canned Goods
- apple juice
- apricots (whole, peeled)
- apricots (unpeeled)
- asparagus
- beets, pickled
- black-eyed peas
- brussels sprouts
- cherries
- clam chowder
- condensed milk
- corn, cream style
- corned beef
- crab meat (30 cents)
- dog food
- dried beef
- grape juice
- hominy
- kidney beans
- lima beans
- mushroom buttons
- navy beans
- noodle soup
- olives, green
- olives, jumbo ripe
- peaches (40 cents a can)
- pears
- pickled pigs’ feet
- pineapple juice
- pineapple
- plums
- pork ‘n’ beans (10 cents a can)
- salmon, red sockeye (65 cents a 9-oz. can)
- sardines
- sauerkraut
- spaghetti with meatballs
- spinach
- string beans
- sweet pertaters
- tomaters
Fresh Produce
- apples
- avocadoes
- bananers
- cabbage
- carrots
- crooked neck squash
- grapefruit
- horseradish
- lemons (380 to the case)
- lettuce
- oranges (176 to the case – used to be 225 to the case)
- pertaters
- pumpkins
- sweet pertaters
- tomaters
- watermelon
Other Groceries
- apricots, dried
- bacon
- bakin’ powder
- bakin’ soda
- banana flavoring
- beans, dried
- bread (10 cents a loaf)
- breakfast food (aka cereal)
- brown sugar
- butter
- cheese
- cocoa
- coconut, shredded
- coffee
- cookies
- corn meal
- crackers (in the barrel or by the box)
- dog biscuits
- eggs
- Fig Newtons
- flour ($1.15 for a 48-pound sack, also available in a 24-pound sack)
- gingersnaps
- graham crackers
- ham, peanut cured, from Georgia
- ketchup
- lard (by the bucket)
- lemon flavoring
- molasses
- oleo margarine
- oyster crackers
- peaches, dried
- peanut butter
- chunk style
- plain style
- peas, dried
- pepper
- Pepsi-Cola
- pickles (in the barrel)
- prunes
- rice (5 cents a pound or 6 pounds for a quarter)
- salt
- shortnin’ (Gold Leaf)
- sorghum (by the gallon bucket)
- spaghetti
- sugar (18 pounds for a dollar)
- syrup
- vanilla extract
- vinegar
- yeast
Dry Goods
- bolt goods
- ginghams
- spotted color
- percales
- silk
- calicos
- yeller polky dot
- green polky dot
- ginghams
- dress patterns
- galluses
- gingham dresses
- girdles
- gloves
- hair ribbons
- handbags, beaded — with “Come to Memphis” in red and green beads on the back side (ordered by Abner’s papa)
- handkerchiefs
- lady’s hats
- with ostrich feather (special price, $1.00)
- with flowers
- men’s hats
- men’s slacks
- neckties
- needles
- nylons
- overalls
- pillows
- pin cushions
- rick-rack
- shirts
- shoes
- stockin’s, cotton lisle
- plain or ribbed
- black or white
- sunbonnets
- thread
- black, darnin’ cotton
- black, #60
- white, #50
- underwear, long red woolen
Tobacco Products
- cigars
- corn cob pipes (10 or 15 cents)
- pipe cleaners
- smokin’ tobacco (15 cents a can)
- snuff
Discussing the Inventory
February 18, 1935:
Lum: Jest look at that shelf there. There’s pork’n’beans and apricots and axle grease. There’s a can of tomaters and bakin’ powder… all stacked in there together. And most of that’s upside down!
September 23, 1935:
Lum: What’s this item here? Toters?
Abner: Oh! Taters! That’s a ‘A’ there. Taters… eatin’ taters.
Lum: What’s this? Rise? R-I-S-E. Rise?
Abner: Yeah, we’re plum outta rice.
Lum: Rice! Sech spellin’. Look at this. Flour. F-L-O-U-R. You mean flour to bake bread with?
Abner: Yeah, eatin’ flour!
Lum: Fer goodness sakes. F-L-O-W-E-R!
Abner: Well, I never thought that looked right. I figgered they’d made a mistake.
Lum: Figgered who’d made a mistake?
Abner: Why, whoever it was that put that printin’ on the sack. I copied it off the sack.
Lum: This next item you got down here. S-P-I-N-I-T-C-H.
Abner: Yeah! Spinach!
Lum: That ain’t… err… didja copy that down off’n the can?
Abner: No. We was outta that.
Lum: I never thought that looked right. You spell that S-P-I-N… spin… spin-nitch… I guess that’s right.
Abner: Did I put down lard on that list there, Lum?
Lum: Lard? No, there ain’t but one more item here and it’s, uh…
Abner: I guess I musta fergot it. You better put down a case of that, ’cause we’re smack-dab out of it.
Lum: Wait a minute. What is this other item here? G-R-E-S-E.
Abner: Oh, well, that’s it! Grease! Lard!
September 24, 1935:
Abner: That reminds me, too, Lum, you know I told you ’bout that vanella extract’s been disappearin’ down at the store. I found out where it’s been goin’ to. Cedric’s been gettin’ it. He’s usin’ it for pre-fume!
Lum: Vanilla extract fer perfumery?
Abner: Yes, sir! Every time we get on that store I get hongry. Smells like somebody’s bakin’ a cake in there.
Lum: Hmph! I swan to goodness. That boy is a sight.
Abner: No tellin’ how much of that stuff he’s usin’. Just pours it all over hisself. Got the whole store to smellin’ like vaneller. We oughta just stop handlin’ that vanella flavorin’.
Lum: Well, you better speak to him before he starts in on the bananer or lemon or some of them other flavorin’s.
January 26, 1940:
Abner: Well, fer the lands’ sakes! What’n the world happened, Lum?
Lum: Don’t ask a bunch of silly questions. Get me a shirt and a pair of over-halls from over there and bring ’em back here. On back in the feed room.
Abner: Why, you’re wringin’ wet! Did ya have a accident?
Lum: You don’t think I’d do somethin’ like that a-purpose, do ya? Hurry up and get some dry clothes fer me!
Cedric: You’re li’ble to catch the pneumoany, Mister Lum, cold as it ’tis.
Lum: I know it! I grannies, if it ain’t one thang happenin’ ta me, it’s six dozen of somethin’ else.
Abner: Didja fall in the mill pond?
Lum: No! I never fell in no mill pond! And stop askin’ a batch of questions. I don’t wanna talk about it.
Abner: Here’s some 34/38 over-hauls. But we ain’t got your size in a shirt.
Lum: I don’t care what size it is, just so it’s dry! Get that’n there on top.
Fer the Young’uns
- candy
- candy bars (5 cents each)
- candy cigarettes
- coconut bars (5 cents each)
- gum drops (10 cents a pound)
- jawbreakers (5 cents a dozen)
- jelly beans
- licorice whips (2 for a penny)
- marshmallow bars
- mixed candy
- peanut brittle (15 cents a pound)
- peanut clusters
- peppermint sticks
- walnut bars
- chewin’ gum (5 cents a package)
- comic books
- dolls
- magazines
School Supplies and Stationery
- art gum (a kind of e-raser, none in stock, check over at Dick Huddleston’s store)
- colored Crayolas
- erasers
- fountain pens
- ink (by the bottle)
- black
- red
- pencils (1 cent or 5 cents)
- writin’ tablets
- Indian chief on the cover
- movin’ pitcher stars on the cover
- postcards
- wrappin’ paper
Seasonal Items
- Christmas candy
- Christmas cards
- false beards and moustaches
- Halloween masks
- goat mask
- silver tinsel
- Valentine cards (1 cent, 5 cents, 20 cents)
Health & Beauty
- baby oil
- cleansing tissues
- court plaster
- hair pins
- manicurin’ set ($4)
- pre-fume
- razor blades
- shavin’ mugs
- shoe polish
Hardware & Household
- alarm clock
- ant poison
- axle grease
- bear traps
- brooms
- buggy harness
- can openers
- churns
- clothes pins
- coal oil
- cook stove (Family Pride, $56)
- electric iron
- foldin’ cot (Daisy Handy-Andy, can be put up in 30 seconds, so simple even a child can do it)
- flashlight batteries
- floor wax
- fly swatters
- fruit jars
- funnels
- gopher poison
- hammers
- hemp rope
- horse blankets
- horse collars
- horseshoe nails
- lamp wicks
- lanterns
- lightnin’ rods
- matches (5 cents a box)
- mouse traps
- nails, ten-penny
- orange juicer (79 cents)
- paper plates
- paper towels
- plow points
- pocket knives
- salt and pepper shakers
- scrub boards
- soap (World’s Wonder)
- shot gun shells ($1.25 a box)
- shovels
- spot remover
- stick bluein’
- varnish
- #2 washtubs (reg’lar price, 50 cents; special price, 48 cents)
- water buckets
- water pitchers (green glass)
In the Feed Room
- bales of hay
- sacks of chop ($1.19 for 100 pound sack)
- sacks of bran
- seed pertaters