July in Review and a Party Quiz
In My Neighborhood
- Rathdrum Days, our annual small-town festival
Finished stocking the Little Free Library across the street(Um, no, actually. I had it full once but it already needs restocking.)
- Day trip to Montana for church one Sunday
- Weekend trip to Tacoma, Washington for church camp
Recreational Activities
- 4th of July parade in Coeur d’Alene
- ATV ride on forest roads to Lakeview, Idaho
- Camping and kayaking at Winchester State Park
- Winchester Days parade and fireworks
- Post Falls Festival parade
- Shopping at a new-to-me thrift store with my niece and daughter
- ATV ride on forest roads above Beauty Bay
- Sunday afternoon Little Free Library Adventure
Social Activities
- 4th of July dinner with friends followed by a few small fireworks in our driveway
- Sunday evening services in our home with friends
- Camping with my brother-in-law’s family and friends
Business Activities
- Post Falls Women in Business luncheon
- Rathdrum Days planning committee meeting
- Hospice of North Idaho ribbon-cutting
- Post Falls Chamber of Commerce Connect 4 Lunch
- Rathdrum Chamber of Commerce Lunch
- Booth at Rathdrum Days
- Networking CDA Lunch
- Website development class at North Idaho College
And completely unrelated, but just for fun, I’m joining up with the bloggers at The Blended Blog for…
TBB Asks – Party Edition
1. Favorite birthday party as a child?
We didn’t have birthday parties every year in my family. Our usual birthday celebration included a birthday cake and a few small gifts. With five children in five years my mother planned parties for us on our 1st, 4th, and 10th birthdays. I’m not sure why she picked those ages. I just vaguely remember my 4th birthday party, but for my 10th birthday I got to invite several little girls from my class at school. Each one of them brought a gift so it seemed to me like I got a LOT of gifts that year.
2. Do you like to entertain? Yes or no?
I do. But infrequently. It’s kind of become a tradition for us to host a Christmas party every year, but other entertainment is somewhat random.
3. What kind of parties are your favorite?
I enjoy casual get-togethers with good friends. Low key is always good.
4. Big or small Parties?
Small. Or at least, uncrowded. A lot of people in a small space is very uncomfortable for me.
5. Favorite thing to do at parties?
Sit in a corner and visit with one person. Obviously, I’m an introvert.
6. Party food favorites?
Cheese and crackers.
7. Favorite flavor of birthday cake?
Yellow Cake with Grandmother’s Brown Sugar Icing
8. Balloons? Yes or no?
Sure. Why not?
9. Best party song?
I dunno. “Happy Birthday to You”? Ha. To be honest, music drives me crazy when people are trying to talk. I do not enjoy background music much. Apparently it has to do with being a Highly Sensitive person.
10. Do you like to dance? Yes or no?
No. I never learned to dance, and it honestly doesn’t appeal to me.

One Comment
You have had a very busy summer!! I miss the shop being in Rathdrum, just to visit.