Housekeeping in the Woods
When I was growing up, my brothers and sisters and I would play in the woods by the hour. We would set up elaborate “houses” and visit each other. This past weekend I found myself doing the same thing with my own family. We had been planning for awhile to go camping at Priest Lake for Memorial Day weekend. Friday was rainy and cool, and Saturday was more of the same. So we set up camp with the idea of staying as dry as possible, while still enjoying the out-of-doors. Let me give you a tour of my “house”…
Here’s the kitchen…
It’s actually a propane stove on the outside of the trailer, but under the awning. The trailer actually does have a complete, but very crowded, indoor kitchen. When we’re “dry camping” (which means no hook-ups) we prefer to cook outside. I usually make coffee on the stove, and heat up canned chili to go with the hot dogs we cook over the fire. Things like that. We do most of the cooking over the fire, just ’cause it’s more fun. And it tastes good that way!
Here’s the dining room (under construction)…
We actually didn’t end up sitting at the table to eat, preferring to hold our plates in our laps and stay by the fire. So here’s the living room…
…where we spent most of our time, under the awning, close to the fire. It was cozy for reading and talking.
And here’s the bedroom…
I know, some people don’t consider it to be true camping when you sleep in a trailer. I have to say, though, as chilly and damp as it was we were happy to have a warm bed at night. Does it count that we didn’t run the heater and it got down in the 40s at night? I think that should count!
Keetha Broyles
We do love to camp too. I'm thinkin' we need to "break" our camper out soon!
I love your camping style!