

Right now I’m… daisy

| hearting |

Watercolor clipart and design elements. I’m dabbling around in graphic design and exploring what I like and don’t like. I’m kinda loving watercolor art at the moment. (This daisy is not my artwork. It’s just one I thought was so pretty.) Also, I’m thinking of investing in a drawing pad for my computer. Maybe this one. Anybody have experience with such a thing? I don’t.


| watching |

Trains go by. On average every 30 minutes. Around 50 trains a day.

road| exploring |

Forest Service back roads. We’ve been enjoying weekend day trips this summer.


| creating |

A “scrap” afghan of cotton yarn in my new blog colors. I didn’t really plan it that way. I chose the colors of leftover yarn from my yarn stash. Then later it just happened that the art I found for my blog was the same color scheme.

| eating |

Vegetables. I’m always trying to incorporate more veggies into our diet. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of salads and roasted vegetables. Yum!

Linking up with Anne In Residence and Dana of Something Good. |

What are you currently doing?


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