
Counting 1000 Gifts – Part 2

1000giftsContinuing with the Joy Dare I started earlier this month… and picking up with Gift #25…

October 9. 3 gifts of praised for

  1. Turns out Lyle is not sodium-sensitive.
  2. Laura got a new job a few weeks ago and it is going well.
  3. God’s daily provision.

October 10. 3 gifts hard eucharisteo

  1. unwelcome changes
  2. financial struggles
  3. migraine headaches

October 11. 3 gifts of change

  1. new family routine
  2. fall season
  3. each new day

October 12. a gift small, smaller, smallest

  1. cell phone
  2. pencil
  3. contact lenses

October 13. 3 gifts read

  1. blogs in the Write 31 Days challenge
  2. Go Set a Watchman
  3. Orchard of Hope

October 14. 3 gifts said

  1. “I love you.”
  2. “Thank you.”
  3. “I’m sorry.”

October 15. 3 gifts re-read

  1. The Bible
  2. To Kill a Mockingbird
  3. These Happy Golden Years

October 16. 3 gifts burning

3 gifts burning

October 17. 3 gifts ugly-beautiful

  1. falling leaves
  2. a storm
  3. the city

October 18. a gift shared, saved, surrendered

  1. home
  2. letters
  3. my will

October 19. 3 gifts unexpected

  1. a photo shoot the girls did of themselves for our upcoming anniversary
  2. a Starbucks card I won on Fragrant Ink
  3. cute new mugs from Laura

October 20. 3 gifts unconventional

  1. garage sale treasures
  2. a clean kitchen
  3. a drive in the mountains

October 21. 3 gifts undervalued

  1. crocheted items
  2. vintage books
  3. old quilts

October 22. a gift silent, still, strong

  1. time alone
  2. the still, small voice
  3. Lyle

October 23. 3 gifts begun

  1. my novel
  2. an afghan
  3. counting gifts

That’s 45 more gifts counted, for a total of 69 so far.


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