Camping Adventures
With this close at hand:
It was a relaxing weekend.
I was buzzing around the campsite Sunday morning taking pictures while Lyle was cooking breakfast. After I snapped a couple pictures of the fire he asked, “Are you gonna blog about the way I cook eggs?”
“Why, I hadn’t thought of that! But what a good idea. Sure! Hold out your ‘grabbers’ so I can get a good shot of them.”
He thinks I’m nuts, of course, but my blogging amuses him, so he obliged:
See? Here’s how he cooks breakfast. First, the bacon in the skillet (with the toast in a grill basket on the side), using tongs from his grill utensil set.
Then, he removes the bacon and drains most of the drippings out of the skillet before he scrambles the eggs, using his “grabbers” to stir with!! (That’s what he calls the tongs: grabbers.)
For some reason, that strikes me funny. I don’t know why.
Just for the fun of it I kept tallies while we were camping. One of my blogging buddies, Keetha @ The Eclectic Company, did that on her recent vacation, and I thought it was so fun, I decided to start the tradition in our family.
So, the tallies for last weekend include:
- Campgrounds that we had to pass up because they were full — 7
- Deer we saw along the road — 2 live, 1 dead
- Snakes the kids saw — 1 live, 1 dead
- Snakes I saw — 0 (Thank goodness!)
- Squirrels in our campsite — 2
- Meals cooked over the fire — 3
- Hands of Skip-Bo played — 2
- Laps around the loop on my bike — 6 (but not all at once)
- Books read — 3
- Crochet projects completed — 1 tote bag, 2 washcloths

Keetha Broyles
Great Tallies!!!! Oh, I would have been SO BUMMED to have to go 90 more miles to find a camp site!
I'm loving the looks of your hubby's breakfast. I think we should go camping together so he can cook me some o dat. I call that kind of eggs "dirty eggs" and they are DA BOMB!
Sheila DelCharco
The first picture was particularly appealing to me!