An Exceptional Mother
Going through old family pictures lately, I liked this one of my mother and her daughters taken about 1974. (I especially like how my bright blue socks coordinate so well with my yellow and white dress! Probably there was some minuscule speck of blue in the floral pattern that I thought the socks “matched.”)
I have an exceptional mother… and that’s not just my opinion, many of my friends tell me so. One of the things I most appreciate and admire about her is how much she has always enjoyed her children. She had 5 of us in 5 years (with a set of twins, as you can see– so we were spaced about a year-and-a-half apart). We usually lived in small houses and things were often chaotic, so it’s hard for me to imagine actually enjoying having 5 little kids underfoot. You would think she would be relieved to send us off to school so she could actually get things done, but she wasn’t. She actually liked having us home, and dreaded to see school start in the fall. Homeschooling wasn’t a “thing” in the 1970s, or she probably would have done that.
And now, she’s an exceptional grandmother. My kids call her almost daily. I wonder if the other 9 grandchildren do, too. She always has time to listen to their most trivial news or to offer advice. Laura has learned that if Mom doesn’t know, Grammy likely will. I want to be like that when I grow up.
Happy birthday, Mother! We love and appreciate you!

A Romantic Porch
Ah that is so sweet! I'm glad she's my sister! I hope she got my birthday message!
xo rachel
P.S. In the photo I like how all three of you girls are all standing so close to each other. Wonder why it was a pic of just the 4 of you?
So sweet, Karla! Makes the 70's seem like a long time ago, now. It didn't use to seem like that..lol!
That's great your kids call her most days! That speaks volumes about "Grammy"!
Nice post!
Well, thanks Karla. Because my internet has been down, I am just now seeing this. I love the chicken potholder that Laura sent. It is just the right size.