red white and blue

105 More Gifts

I certainly haven’t kept up with listing “gifts” every day, counting up to 1,000, but last time I left off (back in March!) I had counted to 300. For this post I’ll start with July 1st and go forward from there…

July 1. 3 Gifts Loved

  1. Lyle
  2. Laura
  3. Rebecca

I’m sure I’ve listed them before, but that’s okay, I am truly thankful for them every day.

July 2. 3 Gifts Read

  1. The Old Testament (blitzed through it in about 2 weeks recently)
  2. blogs
  3. vintage novels (I was on a nostalgia kick for awhile earlier this summer.)

July 3. A Gift in Faith, Family, Freedom

  1. Peace in trusting God.
  2. Children who want to spend time with us.
  3. Unrestricted travel within our country.


July 4. A Gift in Red, White, and Blue

  1. geraniums
  2. clouds
  3. sky

July 5. 3 Gifts of Persistence

  1. Lyle installing electricity in the garage.
  2. Learning to use WordPress by trial-and-error.
  3. Rebecca improving her spelling.

July 6. 3 Gifts of Enthusiasm

  1. Laura enjoys her job. It’s hard work but she has such enthusiasm for it anyway.
  2. Cookie dances with joy whenever Lyle comes home.
  3. Lyle is always more than willing to take me anywhere I want to go. Love that driving man!

July 7. A Gift of Challenge, Conflict, Change

  1. Learning to let go.
  2. Deciding which option is best, when there are no obvious answers.
  3. The ebb and flow of life. Always changing.Lake Pend Oreille

July 8. 3 Gifts Water

  1. Drinking water on tap.
  2. Pristine rivers and lakes.
  3. Summer showers.

July 9. A Gift of Rhythm, Rhyme, Reason

  1. The rhythmic clicking of the printing press.
  2. The old hymns I love.
  3. “He’s the only Reason I live, but, oh, what a Reason!”

July 10. 3 Gifts in Weakness

  1. Contact lenses.
  2. A prescription for migraines that actually works for me.
  3. A calculator.

July 11. 3 Gifts in Jars

  1. Home-canned green beans.
  2. Strawberry preserves.
  3. Fresh salsa

July 12. A Gift of Life, Growth, Decline

  1. My children.
  2. Our little salad garden.
  3. Our sweet Cookie dog is growing old and slowing down.


July 13. 3 Gifts Curled

  1. Rebecca’s hair
  2. The dear ol’ doggy curled up nearby.
  3. Spiral binding on notebooks waiting to be filled.

July 14. 3 Gifts Yellow

  1. wildflowers
  2. butter
  3. lemons

July 15. 3 Gifts of Stone

  1. River stones shining in the sparkling water.
  2. Picking up rocks on Granddaddy’s Arkansas farm with Aunt Rachel and the cousins when I was growing up.
  3. Headstones on the graves of loved ones.

July 16. 3 Gifts Hanging Down

  1. The vine of my philodendron plant.
  2. Laura’s hair
  3. Reindeer moss draped on forest trees.

July 17. 3 Gifts Learned

  1. How to read.
  2. How to write.
  3. How to play the piano.

July 18. 3 Gifts Musical

  1. The piano in my living room.
  2. Rebecca’s guitar.
  3. Pandora.

July 19. 3 Gifts Baked

  1. mocha muffins
  2. peach pie
  3. sour dough bread


July 20. A Gift in Light, Dark, Shadow

  1. colors
  2. rest
  3. coolness

July 21. 3 Gifts of Story

  1. Jesus’ parables
  2. Little House on the Prairie
  3. Anne of Green Gables

July 22. 3 Gifts Understated

  1. home
  2. health
  3. happiness

Lake Pend Oreille

July 23. A Gift High, Low, Far Away

  1. mountain views
  2. the path beneath us
  3. journeys yet to take

July 24. 3 Gifts of Sand

  1. beaches
  2. sand castles
  3. sand box

July 25. 3 Gifts of Endings

  1. a good story
  2. graduation
  3. childhood

July 26. 3 Gifts Fresh

  1. home-grown tomatoes
  2. raw milk
  3. fresh air



July 27. A Gift on Vacation, at Home, in Relaxation

  1. the open road
  2. comfort
  3. strength for tomorrow

July 28. 3 Gifts of Beginnings

  1. a new baby
  2. morning
  3. “Once upon a time…”

July 29. 3 Gifts Together

  1. family vacation
  2. reunions
  3. suppertime

St. Stanislaus Church

July 30. 3 Gifts Heard

  1. trains
  2. birds
  3. church bells

July 31. 3 Gifts Difficult

  1. Rejoicing in hard times.
  2. Allowing the children to grow up.
  3. Knowing God’s will.

August 1. 3 Gifts White

  1. fresh milk
  2. puffy summer clouds
  3. sun-dried sheets

August 2. 3 Gifts Eaten

  1. fresh cheese curds
  2. crisp chef salad
  3. hot, buttered popcorn

August 3. A Gift at 10am, 1pm, 10pm

  1. a refill on my coffee
  2. an afternoon breeze
  3. a relaxing bubble bath

August 4. 3 Gifts Sitting

  1. Crochet projects for my hands to do.
  2. Scenery out the window on a road trip.
  3. Conversation with a friend.

That’s 105 more gifts counted, for a total of 363 on my way to counting 1000.

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