105 More Gifts
I certainly haven’t kept up with listing “gifts” every day, counting up to 1,000, but last time I left off (back in March!) I had counted to 300. For this post I’ll start with July 1st and go forward from there…
July 1. 3 Gifts Loved
- Lyle
- Laura
- Rebecca
I’m sure I’ve listed them before, but that’s okay, I am truly thankful for them every day.
July 2. 3 Gifts Read
- The Old Testament (blitzed through it in about 2 weeks recently)
- blogs
- vintage novels (I was on a nostalgia kick for awhile earlier this summer.)
July 3. A Gift in Faith, Family, Freedom
- Peace in trusting God.
- Children who want to spend time with us.
- Unrestricted travel within our country.
July 4. A Gift in Red, White, and Blue
- geraniums
- clouds
- sky
July 5. 3 Gifts of Persistence
- Lyle installing electricity in the garage.
- Learning to use WordPress by trial-and-error.
- Rebecca improving her spelling.
July 6. 3 Gifts of Enthusiasm
- Laura enjoys her job. It’s hard work but she has such enthusiasm for it anyway.
- Cookie dances with joy whenever Lyle comes home.
- Lyle is always more than willing to take me anywhere I want to go. Love that driving man!
July 7. A Gift of Challenge, Conflict, Change
- Learning to let go.
- Deciding which option is best, when there are no obvious answers.
- The ebb and flow of life. Always changing.
July 8. 3 Gifts Water
- Drinking water on tap.
- Pristine rivers and lakes.
- Summer showers.
July 9. A Gift of Rhythm, Rhyme, Reason
- The rhythmic clicking of the printing press.
- The old hymns I love.
- “He’s the only Reason I live, but, oh, what a Reason!”
July 10. 3 Gifts in Weakness
- Contact lenses.
- A prescription for migraines that actually works for me.
- A calculator.
July 11. 3 Gifts in Jars
- Home-canned green beans.
- Strawberry preserves.
- Fresh salsa
July 12. A Gift of Life, Growth, Decline
- My children.
- Our little salad garden.
- Our sweet Cookie dog is growing old and slowing down.
July 13. 3 Gifts Curled
- Rebecca’s hair
- The dear ol’ doggy curled up nearby.
- Spiral binding on notebooks waiting to be filled.
July 14. 3 Gifts Yellow
- wildflowers
- butter
- lemons
July 15. 3 Gifts of Stone
- River stones shining in the sparkling water.
- Picking up rocks on Granddaddy’s Arkansas farm with Aunt Rachel and the cousins when I was growing up.
- Headstones on the graves of loved ones.
July 16. 3 Gifts Hanging Down
- The vine of my philodendron plant.
- Laura’s hair
- Reindeer moss draped on forest trees.
July 17. 3 Gifts Learned
July 18. 3 Gifts Musical
- The piano in my living room.
- Rebecca’s guitar.
- Pandora.
July 19. 3 Gifts Baked
- mocha muffins
- peach pie
- sour dough bread
July 20. A Gift in Light, Dark, Shadow
- colors
- rest
- coolness
July 21. 3 Gifts of Story
- Jesus’ parables
- Little House on the Prairie
- Anne of Green Gables
July 22. 3 Gifts Understated
- home
- health
- happiness
July 23. A Gift High, Low, Far Away
- mountain views
- the path beneath us
- journeys yet to take
July 24. 3 Gifts of Sand
- beaches
- sand castles
- sand box
July 25. 3 Gifts of Endings
- a good story
- graduation
- childhood
July 26. 3 Gifts Fresh
- home-grown tomatoes
- raw milk
- fresh air
July 27. A Gift on Vacation, at Home, in Relaxation
- the open road
- comfort
- strength for tomorrow
July 28. 3 Gifts of Beginnings
- a new baby
- morning
- “Once upon a time…”
July 29. 3 Gifts Together
- family vacation
- reunions
- suppertime
July 30. 3 Gifts Heard
- trains
- birds
- church bells
July 31. 3 Gifts Difficult
- Rejoicing in hard times.
- Allowing the children to grow up.
- Knowing God’s will.
August 1. 3 Gifts White
- fresh milk
- puffy summer clouds
- sun-dried sheets
August 2. 3 Gifts Eaten
- fresh cheese curds
- crisp chef salad
- hot, buttered popcorn
August 3. A Gift at 10am, 1pm, 10pm
- a refill on my coffee
- an afternoon breeze
- a relaxing bubble bath
August 4. 3 Gifts Sitting
- Crochet projects for my hands to do.
- Scenery out the window on a road trip.
- Conversation with a friend.
That’s 105 more gifts counted, for a total of 363 on my way to counting 1000.
- Gifts 1-24
- Gifts 25-69
- Gifts 70-150
- Gifts 151-183
- Gifts 184-234
- Gifts 235-300
- This post: Gifts 301-405

One Comment
Rachel Going Creative
Those are creative and thoughtful gifts.